// shard2.js /** * test basic sharding */ placeCheck = function( num ){ print("shard2 step: " + num ); } printAll = function(){ print( "****************" ); db.foo.find().forEach( printjsononeline ) print( "++++++++++++++++++" ); primary.foo.find().forEach( printjsononeline ) print( "++++++++++++++++++" ); secondary.foo.find().forEach( printjsononeline ) print( "---------------------" ); } s = new ShardingTest( "shard2" , 2 , 2 ); // We're doing a lot of checks here that can get screwed up by the balancer, now that // it moves small #s of chunks too s.stopBalancer() db = s.getDB( "test" ); s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); assert.eq( 1 , s.config.chunks.count() , "sanity check 1" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 0 } } ); assert.eq( 2 , s.config.chunks.count() , "should be 2 shards" ); chunks = s.config.chunks.find().toArray(); assert.eq( chunks[0].shard , chunks[1].shard , "server should be the same after a split" ); db.foo.save( { num : 1 , name : "eliot" } ); db.foo.save( { num : 2 , name : "sara" } ); db.foo.save( { num : -1 , name : "joe" } ); assert.eq( 3 , s.getServer( "test" ).getDB( "test" ).foo.find().length() , "not right directly to db A" ); assert.eq( 3 , db.foo.find().length() , "not right on shard" ); primary = s.getServer( "test" ).getDB( "test" ); secondary = s.getOther( primary ).getDB( "test" ); assert.eq( 3 , primary.foo.find().length() , "primary wrong B" ); assert.eq( 0 , secondary.foo.find().length() , "secondary wrong C" ); assert.eq( 3 , db.foo.find().sort( { num : 1 } ).length() ); placeCheck( 2 ); // NOTE: at this point we have 2 shard on 1 server // test move shard assert.throws( function(){ s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 1 } , to : primary.getMongo().name, _waitForDelete : true } ); } ); assert.throws( function(){ s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 1 } , to : "adasd", _waitForDelete : true } ) } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 1 } , to : secondary.getMongo().name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert.eq( 2 , secondary.foo.find().length() , "secondary should have 2 after move shard" ); assert.eq( 1 , primary.foo.find().length() , "primary should only have 1 after move shard" ); assert.eq( 2 , s.config.chunks.count() , "still should have 2 shards after move not:" + s.getChunksString() ); chunks = s.config.chunks.find().toArray(); assert.neq( chunks[0].shard , chunks[1].shard , "servers should NOT be the same after the move" ); placeCheck( 3 ); // test inserts go to right server/shard assert.writeOK(db.foo.save( { num : 3 , name : "bob" } )); assert.eq( 1 , primary.foo.find().length() , "after move insert go wrong place?" ); assert.eq( 3 , secondary.foo.find().length() , "after move insert go wrong place?" ); assert.writeOK(db.foo.save( { num : -2 , name : "funny man" } )); assert.eq( 2 , primary.foo.find().length() , "after move insert go wrong place?" ); assert.eq( 3 , secondary.foo.find().length() , "after move insert go wrong place?" ); assert.writeOK(db.foo.save( { num : 0 , name : "funny guy" } )); assert.eq( 2 , primary.foo.find().length() , "boundary A" ); assert.eq( 4 , secondary.foo.find().length() , "boundary B" ); placeCheck( 4 ); // findOne assert.eq( "eliot" , db.foo.findOne( { num : 1 } ).name ); assert.eq( "funny man" , db.foo.findOne( { num : -2 } ).name ); // getAll function sumQuery( c ){ var sum = 0; c.toArray().forEach( function(z){ sum += z.num; } ); return sum; } assert.eq( 6 , db.foo.find().length() , "sharded query 1" ); assert.eq( 3 , sumQuery( db.foo.find() ) , "sharded query 2" ); placeCheck( 5 ); // sort by num assert.eq( 3 , sumQuery( db.foo.find().sort( { num : 1 } ) ) , "sharding query w/sort 1" ); assert.eq( 3 , sumQuery( db.foo.find().sort( { num : -1 } ) ) , "sharding query w/sort 2" ); assert.eq( "funny man" , db.foo.find().sort( { num : 1 } )[0].name , "sharding query w/sort 3 order wrong" ); assert.eq( -2 , db.foo.find().sort( { num : 1 } )[0].num , "sharding query w/sort 4 order wrong" ); assert.eq( "bob" , db.foo.find().sort( { num : -1 } )[0].name , "sharding query w/sort 5 order wrong" ); assert.eq( 3 , db.foo.find().sort( { num : -1 } )[0].num , "sharding query w/sort 6 order wrong" ); placeCheck( 6 ); // sory by name function getNames( c ){ return c.toArray().map( function(z){ return z.name; } ); } correct = getNames( db.foo.find() ).sort(); assert.eq( correct , getNames( db.foo.find().sort( { name : 1 } ) ) ); correct = correct.reverse(); assert.eq( correct , getNames( db.foo.find().sort( { name : -1 } ) ) ); assert.eq( 3 , sumQuery( db.foo.find().sort( { name : 1 } ) ) , "sharding query w/non-shard sort 1" ); assert.eq( 3 , sumQuery( db.foo.find().sort( { name : -1 } ) ) , "sharding query w/non-shard sort 2" ); // sort by num multiple shards per server s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 2 } } ); assert.eq( "funny man" , db.foo.find().sort( { num : 1 } )[0].name , "sharding query w/sort and another split 1 order wrong" ); assert.eq( "bob" , db.foo.find().sort( { num : -1 } )[0].name , "sharding query w/sort and another split 2 order wrong" ); assert.eq( "funny man" , db.foo.find( { num : { $lt : 100 } } ).sort( { num : 1 } ).arrayAccess(0).name , "sharding query w/sort and another split 3 order wrong" ); placeCheck( 7 ); db.foo.find().sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach( function(z){ print( z._id ); } ) zzz = db.foo.find().explain("executionStats").executionStats; assert.eq( 0 , zzz.totalKeysExamined , "EX1a" ) assert.eq( 6 , zzz.nReturned , "EX1b" ) assert.eq( 6 , zzz.totalDocsExamined , "EX1c" ) zzz = db.foo.find().hint( { _id : 1 } ).sort( { _id : 1 } ) .explain("executionStats").executionStats; assert.eq( 6 , zzz.totalKeysExamined , "EX2a" ) assert.eq( 6 , zzz.nReturned , "EX2b" ) assert.eq( 6 , zzz.totalDocsExamined , "EX2c" ) // getMore assert.eq( 4 , db.foo.find().limit(-4).toArray().length , "getMore 1" ); function countCursor( c ){ var num = 0; while ( c.hasNext() ){ c.next(); num++; } return num; } assert.eq( 6 , countCursor( db.foo.find()._exec() ) , "getMore 2" ); assert.eq( 6 , countCursor( db.foo.find().batchSize(1)._exec() ) , "getMore 3" ); // find by non-shard-key db.foo.find().forEach( function(z){ var y = db.foo.findOne( { _id : z._id } ); assert( y , "_id check 1 : " + tojson( z ) ); assert.eq( z.num , y.num , "_id check 2 : " + tojson( z ) ); } ); // update person = db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ); assert.eq( "bob" , person.name , "update setup 1" ); person.name = "bob is gone"; db.foo.update( { num : 3 } , person ); person = db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ); assert.eq( "bob is gone" , person.name , "update test B" ); // remove assert( db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ) != null , "remove test A" ); db.foo.remove( { num : 3 } ); assert.isnull( db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ) , "remove test B" ); db.foo.save( { num : 3 , name : "eliot2" } ); person = db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ); assert( person , "remove test C" ); assert.eq( person.name , "eliot2" ); db.foo.remove( { _id : person._id } ); assert.isnull( db.foo.findOne( { num : 3 } ) , "remove test E" ); placeCheck( 8 ); // more update stuff printAll(); total = db.foo.find().count(); var res = assert.writeOK(db.foo.update( {}, { $inc: { x: 1 } }, false, true )); printAll(); assert.eq( total , res.nModified, res.toString() ); res = db.foo.update( { num : -1 } , { $inc : { x : 1 } } , false , true ); assert.eq( 1, res.nModified, res.toString() ); // ---- move all to the secondary assert.eq( 2 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 2 shards" ); secondary.foo.insert( { num : -3 } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : -2 } , to : secondary.getMongo().name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert.eq( 1 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 1 shards" ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : -2 } , to : primary.getMongo().name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert.eq( 2 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 2 shards again" ); assert.eq( 3 , s.config.chunks.count() , "only 3 chunks" ); print( "YO : " + tojson( db.runCommand( "serverStatus" ) ) ); s.stop();