// shard3.js s = new ShardingTest( "shard3" , 2 , 1 , 2 ); s2 = s._mongos[1]; db = s.getDB( "test" ) s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); assert( sh.getBalancerState() , "A1" ) sh.setBalancerState( false ) assert( ! sh.getBalancerState() , "A2" ) sh.setBalancerState( true ) assert( sh.getBalancerState() , "A3" ) sh.setBalancerState( false ) assert( ! sh.getBalancerState() , "A4" ) s.config.databases.find().forEach( printjson ) a = s.getDB( "test" ).foo; b = s2.getDB( "test" ).foo; primary = s.getServer( "test" ).getDB( "test" ).foo; secondary = s.getOther( primary.name ).getDB( "test" ).foo; a.save( { num : 1 } ); a.save( { num : 2 } ); a.save( { num : 3 } ); assert.eq( 3 , a.find().toArray().length , "normal A" ); assert.eq( 3 , b.find().toArray().length , "other A" ); assert.eq( 3 , primary.count() , "p1" ) assert.eq( 0 , secondary.count() , "s1" ) assert.eq( 1 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 1 shards" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 2 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert( primary.find().toArray().length > 0 , "blah 1" ); assert( secondary.find().toArray().length > 0 , "blah 2" ); assert.eq( 3 , primary.find().itcount() + secondary.find().itcount() , "blah 3" ) assert.eq( 3 , a.find().toArray().length , "normal B" ); assert.eq( 3 , b.find().toArray().length , "other B" ); printjson( primary._db._adminCommand( "shardingState" ) ); // --- filtering --- function doCounts( name , total , onlyItCounts ){ total = total || ( primary.count() + secondary.count() ); if ( ! onlyItCounts ) assert.eq( total , a.count() , name + " count" ); assert.eq( total , a.find().sort( { n : 1 } ).itcount() , name + " itcount - sort n" ); assert.eq( total , a.find().itcount() , name + " itcount" ); assert.eq( total , a.find().sort( { _id : 1 } ).itcount() , name + " itcount - sort _id" ); return total; } var total = doCounts( "before wrong save" ) secondary.save( { _id : 111 , num : -3 } ); printjson( secondary.getDB().getLastError() ) doCounts( "after wrong save" , total , true ) e = a.find().explain(); assert.eq( 3 , e.n , "ex1" ) assert.eq( 4 , e.nscanned , "ex2" ) assert.eq( 4 , e.nscannedObjects , "ex3" ) assert.eq( 1 , e.nChunkSkips , "ex4" ) // SERVER-4612 // make sure idhack obeys chunks x = a.findOne( { _id : 111 } ) assert( ! x , "idhack didn't obey chunk boundaries " + tojson(x) ); // --- move all to 1 --- print( "MOVE ALL TO 1" ); assert.eq( 2 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 2 shards" ); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" ); assert( a.findOne( { num : 1 } ) ) assert( b.findOne( { num : 1 } ) ) print( "GOING TO MOVE" ); assert( a.findOne( { num : 1 } ) , "pre move 1" ) s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" ); myto = s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name print( "counts before move: " + tojson( s.shardCounts( "foo" ) ) ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 1 } , to : myto, _waitForDelete : true } ) print( "counts after move: " + tojson( s.shardCounts( "foo" ) ) ); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" ); assert.eq( 1 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 1 shard again" ); assert( a.findOne( { num : 1 } ) , "post move 1" ) assert( b.findOne( { num : 1 } ) , "post move 2" ) print( "*** drop" ); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "before drop" ); a.drop(); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after drop" ); assert.eq( 0 , a.count() , "a count after drop" ) assert.eq( 0 , b.count() , "b count after drop" ) s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after counts" ); assert.eq( 0 , primary.count() , "p count after drop" ) assert.eq( 0 , secondary.count() , "s count after drop" ) // NOTE // the following bypasses the sharding layer and writes straight to the servers // this is not supported at all but we'd like to leave this backdoor for now primary.save( { num : 1 } ); secondary.save( { num : 4 } ); assert.eq( 1 , primary.count() , "p count after drop and save" ) assert.eq( 1 , secondary.count() , "s count after drop and save " ) print("*** makes sure that sharded access respects the drop command" ); assert.isnull( a.findOne() , "lookup via mongos 'a' accessed dropped data" ); assert.isnull( b.findOne() , "lookup via mongos 'b' accessed dropped data" ); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after b findOne tests" ); print( "*** dropDatabase setup" ) s.printShardingStatus() s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); a.save( { num : 2 } ); a.save( { num : 3 } ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 2 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name, _waitForDelete : true } ); s.printShardingStatus(); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after dropDatabase setup" ); doCounts( "after dropDatabase setup2" ) s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after dropDatabase setup3" ); print( "*** ready to call dropDatabase" ) res = s.getDB( "test" ).dropDatabase(); assert.eq( 1 , res.ok , "dropDatabase failed : " + tojson( res ) ); // Waiting for SERVER-2253 assert.eq( 0 , s.config.databases.count( { _id: "test" } ) , "database 'test' was dropped but still appears in configDB" ); s.printShardingStatus(); s.printCollectionInfo( "test.foo" , "after dropDatabase call 1" ); assert.eq( 0 , doCounts( "after dropDatabase called" ) ) // ---- retry commands SERVER-1471 ---- s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test2" } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test2.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); dba = s.getDB( "test2" ); dbb = s2.getDB( "test2" ); dba.foo.save( { num : 1 } ); dba.foo.save( { num : 2 } ); dba.foo.save( { num : 3 } ); dba.getLastError(); assert.eq( 1 , s.onNumShards( "foo" , "test2" ) , "B on 1 shards" ); assert.eq( 3 , dba.foo.count() , "Ba" ); assert.eq( 3 , dbb.foo.count() , "Bb" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test2.foo" , middle : { num : 2 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test2.foo" , find : { num : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test2" ) ).name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert.eq( 2 , s.onNumShards( "foo" , "test2" ) , "B on 2 shards" ); x = dba.foo.stats() printjson( x ) y = dbb.foo.stats() printjson( y ) s.stop();