// shard5.js // tests write passthrough s = new ShardingTest({name: "shard5", shards: 2, mongos:2}); s.stopBalancer(); s2 = s._mongos[1]; s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); s.ensurePrimaryShard('test', 'shard0001'); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); if (s.configRS) { // Ensure that the second mongos will see the movePrimary s.configRS.awaitLastOpCommitted(); } s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 1 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 2 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 3 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 4 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 5 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 6 } ); s.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 7 } ); assert.eq( 7 , s.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "normal A" ); assert.eq( 7 , s2.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "other A" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 4 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name, _waitForDelete : true } ); assert( s._connections[0].getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length > 0 , "blah 1" ); assert( s._connections[1].getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length > 0 , "blah 2" ); assert.eq( 7 , s._connections[0].getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length + s._connections[1].getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "blah 3" ); assert.eq( 7 , s.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "normal B" ); assert.eq( 7 , s2.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "other B" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 2 } } ); //s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name } ); s.printChunks() print( "* A" ); assert.eq( 7 , s.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length , "normal B 1" ); s2.getDB( "test" ).foo.save( { num : 2 } ); assert.soon( function(){ return 8 == s2.getDB( "test" ).foo.find().toArray().length; } , "other B 2" , 5000 , 100 ) assert.eq( 2 , s.onNumShards( "foo" ) , "on 2 shards" ); s.stop();