// Check that shard selection does not assert for certain unsatisfiable queries. // SERVER-4554, SERVER-4914 s = new ShardingTest( 'shard7', 2, 0, 1 ); db = s.admin._mongo.getDB( 'test' ); c = db[ 'foo' ]; c.drop(); s.adminCommand( { enablesharding: '' + db } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection: '' + c, key: { a:1,b:1 } } ); // Check query operation with some satisfiable and unsatisfiable queries. assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:1}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:1,b:1}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:{$gt:4,$lt:2}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:1,b:{$gt:4,$lt:2}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:{$gt:0,$lt:2},b:{$gt:4,$lt:2}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({b:{$gt:4,$lt:2}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:{$in:[]}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({a:1,b:{$in:[]}}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({$or:[{a:{$gt:0,$lt:10}},{a:12}]}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({$or:[{a:{$gt:0,$lt:10}},{a:5}]}).itcount() ); assert.eq( 0, c.find({$or:[{a:1,b:{$gt:0,$lt:10}},{a:1,b:5}]}).itcount() ); // Check other operations that use getShardsForQuery. unsatisfiable = {a:1,b:{$gt:4,$lt:2}}; assert.eq( 0, c.count(unsatisfiable) ); assert.eq( [], c.distinct('a',unsatisfiable) ); aggregate = c.aggregate( { $match:unsatisfiable } ); assert.eq( 0, aggregate.toArray().length ); c.save( {a:null,b:null} ); c.save( {a:1,b:1} ); c.remove( unsatisfiable ); assert( !db.getLastError() ); assert.eq( 2, c.count() ); c.update( unsatisfiable, {$set:{c:1}}, false, true ); assert( !db.getLastError() ); assert.eq( 2, c.count() ); assert.eq( 0, c.count( {c:1} ) ); c.ensureIndex( {loc:'2d'} ); c.save( {a:2,b:2,loc:[0,0]} ); near = db.runCommand( {geoNear:'foo', near:[0,0], query:unsatisfiable} ); assert.commandWorked( near ); assert.eq( 0, near.results.length );