/** * Tests that the addShard process initializes sharding awareness on an added standalone or * replica set shard that was started with --shardsvr. */ (function() { "use strict"; const checkShardingStateInitialized = function(conn, configConnStr, shardName, clusterId) { const res = conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1}); assert.commandWorked(res); assert(res.enabled); assert.eq(shardName, res.shardName); assert(clusterId.equals(res.clusterId), 'cluster id: ' + tojson(clusterId) + ' != ' + tojson(res.clusterId)); assert.soon(() => configConnStr == conn.adminCommand({shardingState: 1}).configServer); }; const checkShardMarkedAsShardAware = function(mongosConn, shardName) { const res = mongosConn.getDB('config').getCollection('shards').findOne({_id: shardName}); assert.neq(null, res, "Could not find new shard " + shardName + " in config.shards"); assert.eq(1, res.state); }; // Create the cluster to test adding shards to. const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); const clusterId = st.s.getDB('config').getCollection('version').findOne().clusterId; const newShardName = "newShard"; // Add a shard and ensure awareness. const replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); replTest.startSet({shardsvr: ''}); replTest.initiate(); jsTest.log("Going to add replica set as shard: " + tojson(replTest)); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShard: replTest.getURL(), name: newShardName})); checkShardingStateInitialized(replTest.getPrimary(), st.configRS.getURL(), newShardName, clusterId); checkShardMarkedAsShardAware(st.s, newShardName); replTest.stopSet(); st.stop(); })();