/** * Tests that rolling back the insertion of the shardIdentity document on a shard causes the node * rolling it back to shut down. * @tags: [requires_persistence, requires_journaling] */ (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js'); var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); var replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 3}); var nodes = replTest.startSet({shardsvr: ''}); replTest.initiate(); var priConn = replTest.getPrimary(); var secondaries = replTest.getSecondaries(); var configConnStr = st.configRS.getURL(); // Wait for the secondaries to have the latest oplog entries before stopping the fetcher to // avoid the situation where one of the secondaries will not have an overlapping oplog with // the other nodes once the primary is killed. replTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); replTest.awaitReplication(); stopServerReplication(secondaries); jsTest.log("inserting shardIdentity document to primary that shouldn't replicate"); var shardIdentityDoc = { _id: 'shardIdentity', configsvrConnectionString: configConnStr, shardName: 'newShard', clusterId: ObjectId() }; assert.writeOK(priConn.getDB('admin').system.version.update( {_id: 'shardIdentity'}, shardIdentityDoc, {upsert: true})); // Ensure sharding state on the primary was initialized var res = priConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1}); assert(res.enabled, tojson(res)); assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.configsvrConnectionString, res.configServer); assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.shardName, res.shardName); assert.eq(shardIdentityDoc.clusterId, res.clusterId); // Ensure sharding state on the secondaries was *not* initialized secondaries.forEach(function(secondary) { secondary.setSlaveOk(true); res = secondary.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1}); assert(!res.enabled, tojson(res)); }); // Ensure manually deleting the shardIdentity document is not allowed. assert.writeErrorWithCode(priConn.getDB('admin').system.version.remove({_id: 'shardIdentity'}), 40070); jsTest.log("shutting down primary"); // Shut down the primary so a secondary gets elected that definitely won't have replicated the // shardIdentity insert, which should trigger a rollback on the original primary when it comes // back online. replTest.stop(priConn); // Disable the fail point so that the elected node can exit drain mode and finish becoming // primary. restartServerReplication(secondaries); // Wait for a new healthy primary var newPriConn = replTest.getPrimary(); assert.neq(priConn, newPriConn); assert.writeOK(newPriConn.getDB('test').foo.insert({a: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); // Restart the original primary so it triggers a rollback of the shardIdentity insert. jsTest.log("Restarting original primary"); priConn = replTest.restart(priConn); // Wait until we cannot create a connection to the former primary, which indicates that it must // have shut itself down during the rollback. jsTest.log("Waiting for original primary to rollback and shut down"); assert.soon( function() { try { var newConn = new Mongo(priConn.host); return false; } catch (x) { return true; } }, function() { var oldPriOplog = priConn.getDB('local').oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural: -1}).toArray(); var newPriOplog = newPriConn.getDB('local').oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural: -1}).toArray(); return "timed out waiting for original primary to shut down after rollback. " + "Old primary oplog: " + tojson(oldPriOplog) + "; new primary oplog: " + tojson(newPriOplog); }, 90000); // Restart the original primary again. This time, the shardIdentity document should already be // rolled back, so there shouldn't be any rollback and the node should stay online. jsTest.log( "Restarting original primary a second time and waiting for it to successfully become " + "secondary"); try { // Join() with the crashed mongod and ignore its bad exit status. MongoRunner.stopMongod(priConn); } catch (e) { // expected } priConn = replTest.restart(priConn, {shardsvr: ''}); priConn.setSlaveOk(); // Wait for the old primary to replicate the document that was written to the new primary while // it was shut down. assert.soonNoExcept(function() { return priConn.getDB('test').foo.findOne(); }); // Ensure that there's no sharding state on the restarted original primary, since the // shardIdentity doc should have been rolled back. res = priConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({shardingState: 1}); assert(!res.enabled, tojson(res)); assert.eq(null, priConn.getDB('admin').system.version.findOne({_id: 'shardIdentity'})); replTest.stopSet(); st.stop(); })();