// // Tests that serverStatus includes sharding statistics by default and the sharding statistics are // indeed the correct values. Does not test the catalog cache portion of sharding statistics. // // @tags: [ // uses_transactions, // ] (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/chunk_manipulation_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); load("jstests/libs/wait_for_command.js"); function ShardStat() { this.countDonorMoveChunkStarted = 0; this.countRecipientMoveChunkStarted = 0; this.countDocsClonedOnRecipient = 0; this.countDocsClonedOnDonor = 0; this.countDocsDeletedOnDonor = 0; } function incrementStatsAndCheckServerShardStats(donor, recipient, numDocs) { ++donor.countDonorMoveChunkStarted; donor.countDocsClonedOnDonor += numDocs; ++recipient.countRecipientMoveChunkStarted; recipient.countDocsClonedOnRecipient += numDocs; donor.countDocsDeletedOnDonor += numDocs; const statsFromServerStatus = shardArr.map(function(shardVal) { return shardVal.getDB('admin').runCommand({serverStatus: 1}).shardingStatistics; }); for (let i = 0; i < shardArr.length; ++i) { assert(statsFromServerStatus[i]); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].countStaleConfigErrors); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].totalCriticalSectionCommitTimeMillis); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].totalCriticalSectionTimeMillis); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].totalDonorChunkCloneTimeMillis); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].countDonorMoveChunkLockTimeout); assert(statsFromServerStatus[i].countDonorMoveChunkAbortConflictingIndexOperation); assert.eq(stats[i].countDonorMoveChunkStarted, statsFromServerStatus[i].countDonorMoveChunkStarted); assert.eq(stats[i].countDocsClonedOnRecipient, statsFromServerStatus[i].countDocsClonedOnRecipient); assert.eq(stats[i].countDocsClonedOnDonor, statsFromServerStatus[i].countDocsClonedOnDonor); assert.eq(stats[i].countDocsDeletedOnDonor, statsFromServerStatus[i].countDocsDeletedOnDonor); assert.eq(stats[i].countRecipientMoveChunkStarted, statsFromServerStatus[i].countRecipientMoveChunkStarted); } } function checkServerStatusMigrationLockTimeoutCount(shardConn, count) { const shardStats = assert.commandWorked(shardConn.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})).shardingStatistics; assert(shardStats.hasOwnProperty("countDonorMoveChunkLockTimeout")); assert.eq(count, shardStats.countDonorMoveChunkLockTimeout); } function checkServerStatusAbortedMigrationCount(shardConn, count) { const shardStats = assert.commandWorked(shardConn.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})).shardingStatistics; assert(shardStats.hasOwnProperty("countDonorMoveChunkAbortConflictingIndexOperation")); assert.eq(count, shardStats.countDonorMoveChunkAbortConflictingIndexOperation); } function runConcurrentMoveChunk(host, ns, toShard) { const mongos = new Mongo(host); // Helper function to run moveChunk, retrying on ConflictingOperationInProgress. We need to // retry on ConflictingOperationInProgress to handle the following case: // 1. One test case does a moveChunk, expecting it to fail. It fails and completes on the donor // and returns to the test, while the recipient is still lagging for some reason and has not // completed. // 2. In the next test case, we attempt a moveChunk involving the same chunk and shards, but the // previous moveChunk is still in progress on the recipient shard from the previous migration, // causing this new moveChunk to return ConflictingOperationInProgress. // // This is expected behavior, so we retry until success or until some other unexpected error // occurs. function runMoveChunkUntilSuccessOrUnexpectedError() { let result = mongos.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: 1}, to: toShard}); let shouldRetry = (result.hasOwnProperty("code") && result.code == ErrorCodes.ConflictingOperationInProgress); if (shouldRetry) { jsTestLog("Retrying moveChunk due to ConflictingOperationInProgress"); } return shouldRetry ? runMoveChunkUntilSuccessOrUnexpectedError() : result; } // Kick off the recursive helper function. return runMoveChunkUntilSuccessOrUnexpectedError(); } /** * Set a MODE_IS collection lock on 'collectionNs' to be held for 1 hour. This will ensure that the * lock will not be released before desired. The operation can be killed later to release the lock. * * 'sleepComment' adds a comment so that the operation is can be identified for waitForCommand(). */ function sleepFunction(host, collectionNs, sleepComment) { const mongo = new Mongo(host); // Set a MODE_IS collection lock to be held for 1 hours. // Holding this lock for 1 hour will trigger a test timeout. assert.commandFailedWithCode( mongo.adminCommand( {sleep: 1, secs: 3600, lockTarget: collectionNs, lock: "ir", $comment: sleepComment}), ErrorCodes.Interrupted); } const dbName = "db"; const collName = "coll"; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1}); const mongos = st.s0; const admin = mongos.getDB("admin"); const coll = mongos.getCollection(dbName + "." + collName); const numDocsToInsert = 3; const shardArr = [st.shard0, st.shard1]; const stats = [new ShardStat(), new ShardStat()]; const index1 = { x: 1 }; const index2 = { y: 1 }; let numDocsInserted = 0; assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: coll.getDB() + ""})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(coll.getDB() + "", st.shard0.shardName); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: coll + "", key: {_id: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: coll + "", middle: {_id: 0}})); // Move chunk from shard0 to shard1 without docs. assert.commandWorked( mongos.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll + '', find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); incrementStatsAndCheckServerShardStats(stats[0], stats[1], numDocsInserted); // Insert docs and then move chunk again from shard1 to shard0. for (let i = 0; i < numDocsToInsert; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: i})); ++numDocsInserted; } assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand( {moveChunk: coll + '', find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard0.shardName, _waitForDelete: true})); incrementStatsAndCheckServerShardStats(stats[1], stats[0], numDocsInserted); // Check that numbers are indeed cumulative. Move chunk from shard0 to shard1. assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand( {moveChunk: coll + '', find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName, _waitForDelete: true})); incrementStatsAndCheckServerShardStats(stats[0], stats[1], numDocsInserted); // Move chunk from shard1 to shard0. assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand( {moveChunk: coll + '', find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard0.shardName, _waitForDelete: true})); incrementStatsAndCheckServerShardStats(stats[1], stats[0], numDocsInserted); // // Tests for the count of migrations aborting from lock timeouts. // // Lower migrationLockAcquisitionMaxWaitMS so migrations time out more quickly. const donorConn = st.rs0.getPrimary(); const lockParameterRes = assert.commandWorked( donorConn.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, migrationLockAcquisitionMaxWaitMS: 1})); const originalMigrationLockTimeout = lockParameterRes.migrationLockAcquisitionMaxWaitMS; assert.commandWorked( donorConn.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, migrationLockAcquisitionMaxWaitMS: 2 * 1000})); // Counter starts at 0. checkServerStatusMigrationLockTimeoutCount(donorConn, 0); // Pause a migration before entering the critical section. pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); let moveChunkThread = new Thread(runConcurrentMoveChunk, st.s.host, dbName + "." + collName, st.shard1.shardName); moveChunkThread.start(); waitForMoveChunkStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); // Start a transaction and insert to the migrating chunk to block entering the critical section. const session = mongos.startSession(); session.startTransaction(); assert.commandWorked(session.getDatabase(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: 5})); // Unpause the migration and it should time out entering the critical section. unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); moveChunkThread.join(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(moveChunkThread.returnData(), ErrorCodes.LockTimeout); // Clean up the transaction and verify the counter was incremented in serverStatus. assert.commandWorked(session.abortTransaction_forTesting()); checkServerStatusMigrationLockTimeoutCount(donorConn, 1); // Writes are blocked during the critical section, so insert a document into the chunk to be // moved before the migration begins that can be read later. assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName)[collName].insert({_id: 5})); // Pause a migration after entering the critical section, but before entering the commit phase. pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); moveChunkThread = new Thread(runConcurrentMoveChunk, st.s.host, dbName + "." + collName, st.shard1.shardName); moveChunkThread.start(); waitForMoveChunkStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); // Use the sleep cmd to acquire the collection MODE_IS lock asynchronously so that the migration // cannot commit. const sleepComment = "Lock sleep"; const sleepCommand = new Thread(sleepFunction, st.rs0.getPrimary().host, dbName + "." + collName, sleepComment); sleepCommand.start(); // Wait for the sleep command to start. const sleepID = waitForCommand("sleepCmd", op => (op["ns"] == "admin.$cmd" && op["command"]["$comment"] == sleepComment), donorConn.getDB("admin")); try { // Unpause the migration and it should time out entering the commit phase. unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); moveChunkThread.join(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(moveChunkThread.returnData(), ErrorCodes.LockTimeout); } finally { // Kill the sleep command in order to release the collection MODE_IS lock. assert.commandWorked(donorConn.getDB("admin").killOp(sleepID)); sleepCommand.join(); } // Verify the counter was incremented in serverStatus. checkServerStatusMigrationLockTimeoutCount(donorConn, 2); assert.commandWorked(donorConn.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, migrationLockAcquisitionMaxWaitMS: originalMigrationLockTimeout})); // // Tests for the count of migrations aborted due to concurrent index operations. // // Counter starts at 0. checkServerStatusAbortedMigrationCount(donorConn, 0); // Pause a migration after cloning starts. pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk); moveChunkThread = new Thread(runConcurrentMoveChunk, st.s.host, dbName + "." + collName, st.shard1.shardName); moveChunkThread.start(); waitForMoveChunkStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk); // Run an index command. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndexes([index1])); // Unpause the migration and verify that it gets aborted. unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.startedMoveChunk); moveChunkThread.join(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(moveChunkThread.returnData(), ErrorCodes.Interrupted); checkServerStatusAbortedMigrationCount(donorConn, 1); // Pause a migration before entering the critical section. pauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); moveChunkThread = new Thread(runConcurrentMoveChunk, st.s.host, dbName + "." + collName, st.shard1.shardName); moveChunkThread.start(); waitForMoveChunkStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); // Run an index command. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndexes([index2])); // Unpause the migration and verify that it gets aborted. unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(donorConn, moveChunkStepNames.reachedSteadyState); moveChunkThread.join(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(moveChunkThread.returnData(), ErrorCodes.Interrupted); checkServerStatusAbortedMigrationCount(donorConn, 2); st.stop(); })();