// This test creates a sharded collection with wiredtiger options. // When the chunks of this collection get migrated to the other shard, // the other shard should create the collection with the same options. var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); var db = st.s.getDB("test"); var coll = db.sharding_system_namespaces; // This test relies on the wiredTiger storage engine being compiled // into the server. Must check shard member for WT as it is not built into mongos. var storageEngines = st.shard0.getDB("local").serverBuildInfo().storageEngines; print("Supported storage engines: " + storageEngines); if (Array.contains(storageEngines, "wiredTiger")) { function checkCollectionOptions(database) { var collectionsInfos = database.getCollectionInfos(); printjson(collectionsInfos); var info = collectionsInfos.filter(function(c) { return c.name == "sharding_system_namespaces"; })[0]; assert.eq(info.options.storageEngine.wiredTiger.configString, "block_compressor=zlib"); } db.createCollection("sharding_system_namespaces", {storageEngine: {wiredTiger: {configString: "block_compressor=zlib"}}}); checkCollectionOptions(db); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'})); st.ensurePrimaryShard('test', st.shard1.shardName); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll + '', key: {x: 1}})); coll.insert({x: 0}); coll.insert({x: 10}); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({split: coll + '', middle: {x: 5}})); st.printShardingStatus(); var primaryShard = st.getPrimaryShard("test"); anotherShard = st.getOther(primaryShard); assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({movechunk: coll + '', find: {x: 5}, to: anotherShard.name})); st.printShardingStatus(); checkCollectionOptions(anotherShard.getDB("test")); } else { print("Skipping test. wiredTiger engine not supported by mongod binary."); } st.stop();