// Tests sharding with a key file myTestName = "sharding_with_keyfile" keyFile = "jstests/sharding/" + myTestName + ".key"; run( "chmod" , "600" , keyFile ); var st = new ShardingTest({ name : myTestName , shards : 2, mongos : 1, keyFile : keyFile }) // Make sure all our instances got the key var configs = st._configDB.split(",") for( var i = 0; i < configs.length; i++ ) configs[i] = new Mongo( configs[i] ) var shards = st._connections var mongoses = st._mongos for( var i = 0; i < configs.length; i++ ) assert.eq( configs[i].getDB("admin").runCommand({ getCmdLineOpts : 1 }).parsed.keyFile, keyFile ) for( var i = 0; i < shards.length; i++ ) assert.eq( shards[i].getDB("admin").runCommand({ getCmdLineOpts : 1 }).parsed.keyFile, keyFile ) for( var i = 0; i < mongoses.length; i++ ) assert.eq( mongoses[i].getDB("admin").runCommand({ getCmdLineOpts : 1 }).parsed.keyFile, keyFile ) var mongos = st.s0 var coll = mongos.getCollection( "test.foo" ) st.shardColl( coll, { _id : 1 } ) // Create an index so we can find by num later coll.ensureIndex({ insert : 1 }) // For more logging // mongos.getDB("admin").runCommand({ setParameter : 1, logLevel : 3 }) print( "INSERT!" ) // Insert a bunch of data var toInsert = 2000 for( var i = 0; i < toInsert; i++ ){ coll.insert({ my : "test", data : "to", insert : i }) } assert.eq( coll.getDB().getLastError(), null ) print( "UPDATE!" ) // Update a bunch of data var toUpdate = toInsert for( var i = 0; i < toUpdate; i++ ){ var id = coll.findOne({ insert : i })._id coll.update({ insert : i, _id : id }, { $inc : { counter : 1 } }) } assert.eq( coll.getDB().getLastError(), null ) print( "DELETE" ) // Remove a bunch of data var toDelete = toInsert / 2 for( var i = 0; i < toDelete; i++ ){ coll.remove({ insert : i }) } assert.eq( coll.getDB().getLastError(), null ) // Make sure the right amount of data is there assert.eq( coll.find().count(), toInsert / 2 ) // Finish st.stop()