// This test fails when run with authentication due to SERVER-6327 /** * Test SyncClusterConnection commands using call instead of findOne */ // Note: count command uses call var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: [], other: { sync: true, separateConfig: true }}); var configDB = st.config; var coll = configDB.test; for( var x = 0; x < 10; x++ ){ coll.insert({ v: x }); } var testNormalCount = function(){ var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({ count: coll.getName() }); assert( cmdRes.ok ); assert.eq( 10, cmdRes.n ); }; var testCountWithQuery = function(){ var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({ count: coll.getName(), query: { v: { $gt: 6 }}}); assert( cmdRes.ok ); assert.eq( 3, cmdRes.n ); }; // Use invalid query operator to make the count return error var testInvalidCount = function(){ var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({ count: coll.getName(), query: { $c: { $abc: 3 }}}); assert( !cmdRes.ok ); assert( cmdRes.errmsg.length > 0 ); }; // Test with all config servers up testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); // Test with the first config server down var firstConfigOpts = st.c0.commandLine; MongoRunner.stopMongod( firstConfigOpts.port ); testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); firstConfigOpts.restart = true; MongoRunner.runMongod( firstConfigOpts ); // Test with the second config server down MongoRunner.stopMongod( st.c1.commandLine.port ); jsTest.log( 'Second server is down' ); testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); st.stop();