/** * Tests the queries on sharded time-series collection with various combination of shard key * patterns. * * @tags: [ * requires_fcv_51, * requires_find_command, * ] */ (function() { load("jstests/core/timeseries/libs/timeseries.js"); load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); Random.setRandomSeed(); const dbName = 'testDB'; const collName = 'testColl'; const unshardedColl = "unsharded"; const timeField = 'time'; const metaField = 'hostid'; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 2}}); const sDB = st.s.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); const shard0DB = st.shard0.getDB(dbName); const shard1DB = st.shard1.getDB(dbName); if (!TimeseriesTest.shardedtimeseriesCollectionsEnabled(st.shard0)) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because the sharded time-series collection feature flag is disabled"); st.stop(); return; } // Helpers. let currentId = 0; function generateId() { return currentId++; } function generateDoc(time, metaValue) { return TimeseriesTest.generateHosts(1).map((host, index) => Object.assign(host, { _id: generateId(), [metaField]: metaValue, [timeField]: ISODate(time), }))[0]; } function runQueryOnTimeField({date, matchOperator, expectedDocs, expectedShards}) { runQuery({query: {time: {[matchOperator]: ISODate(date)}}, expectedDocs, expectedShards}); } function runInsert(timestamp, metaValue) { const doc = generateDoc(timestamp, metaValue); assert.commandWorked(sDB.getCollection(collName).insert(doc)); assert.commandWorked(sDB.getCollection(unshardedColl).insert(doc)); } function runQuery( {query, expectedDocs, expectedShards, expectQueryRewrite = true, expectCollScan = false}) { // Restart profiler. for (let shardDB of [shard0DB, shard1DB]) { shardDB.setProfilingLevel(0); shardDB.system.profile.drop(); shardDB.setProfilingLevel(2); } // Run the query with both find and aggregate commands. Both should return same number of // entries. const coll = sDB.getCollection(collName); const findOutput = coll.find(query).toArray(); assert.eq(findOutput.length, expectedDocs, findOutput); const unshardedOutput = sDB.getCollection(unshardedColl).find(query).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(unshardedOutput, findOutput); const aggOutput = coll.aggregate([{$match: query}]).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(unshardedOutput, aggOutput); if (expectedShards) { let filter = { "command.aggregate": `system.buckets.${collName}`, }; // If the query was rewritten to be a match expression on the buckets collection, we should // expect a $match stage at the beginning of the pipeline. if (expectQueryRewrite) { filter["command.pipeline.0.$match"] = {$exists: true}; } else { filter["command.pipeline.0.$_internalUnpackBucket"] = {$exists: true}; } const shard0Entries = shard0DB.system.profile.find(filter).toArray(); const shard1Entries = shard1DB.system.profile.find(filter).toArray(); const primaryShard = st.getPrimaryShard(dbName); if (expectedShards.includes(primaryShard.shardName)) { // There should one profiler entry for each of the find and aggregate commands. assert.eq(shard0Entries.length, 2, shard0Entries); } else { assert.eq(shard0Entries.length, 0, shard0Entries); } const otherShard = st.getOther(primaryShard); if (expectedShards.includes(otherShard.shardName)) { // There should one profiler entry for each of the find and aggregate commands. assert.eq(shard1Entries.length, 2, shard1Entries); } else { assert.eq(shard1Entries.length, 0, shard1Entries); } // Test the explain plans from all of the expected shards. const plans = [ coll.find(query).explain(), coll.explain().aggregate([{$match: query}]), coll.aggregate([{$match: query}], {explain: true}) ]; plans.forEach(plan => { assert.eq(expectedShards.sort(), Object.keys(plan.shards).sort()); expectedShards.forEach(shard => { const winningPlan = plan.shards[shard].stages[0].$cursor.queryPlanner.winningPlan; if (expectCollScan) { assert(isCollscan(sDB, winningPlan)); } else { assert(isIxscan(sDB, winningPlan) || isClusteredIxscan(sDB, winningPlan)); } }); }); } } // Shard key on just the time field. (function timeShardKey() { st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); // Shard time-series collection. const shardKey = {[timeField]: 1}; assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: `${dbName}.${collName}`, key: shardKey, timeseries: {timeField, granularity: "hours"} })); // Split the chunks such that primary shard has chunk: [MinKey, 2020-01-01) and other shard has // chunk [2020-01-01, MaxKey]. splitPoint = {[`control.min.${timeField}`]: ISODate(`2020-01-01`)}; assert.commandWorked( sDB.adminCommand({split: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, middle: splitPoint})); // Move one of the chunks into the second shard. const primaryShard = st.getPrimaryShard(dbName); const otherShard = st.getOther(primaryShard); assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({ movechunk: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, find: splitPoint, to: otherShard.name, _waitForDelete: true })); // Ensure that each shard owns one chunk. const counts = st.chunkCounts(`system.buckets.${collName}`, dbName); assert.eq(1, counts[primaryShard.shardName], counts); assert.eq(1, counts[otherShard.shardName], counts); const coll = sDB.getCollection(collName); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { runInsert("2019-11-11"); runInsert("2019-12-31"); runInsert("2020-01-21"); runInsert("2020-11-31"); } // EQ. runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-11-11", matchOperator: "$eq", expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-12-31", matchOperator: "$eq", expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-01-21", matchOperator: "$eq", expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName, primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-11-31", matchOperator: "$eq", expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); // LTE. runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-11-11", matchOperator: "$lte", expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-12-31", matchOperator: "$lte", expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-02-11", matchOperator: "$lte", expectedDocs: 6, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2021-01-01", matchOperator: "$lte", expectedDocs: 8, expectedShards: [ primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName, ] }); // LT. runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-11-11", matchOperator: "$lt", expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-12-31", matchOperator: "$lte", expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-02-11", matchOperator: "$lt", expectedDocs: 6, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2021-01-01", matchOperator: "$lt", expectedDocs: 8, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); // GTE runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-11-11", matchOperator: "$gte", expectedDocs: 8, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-01-11", matchOperator: "$gte", expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2021-01-01", matchOperator: "$gte", expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); // GT runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2019-11-11", matchOperator: "$gt", expectedDocs: 6, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2020-01-11", matchOperator: "$gt", expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQueryOnTimeField({ date: "2021-01-01", matchOperator: "$gt", expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); // OR queries are rewritten if all their arguments are. runQuery({ query: {$or: [{time: ISODate("2019-11-11")}, {time: ISODate("2019-11-12")}]}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName], expectQueryRewrite: true, expectCollScan: false, }); assert(coll.drop()); })(); // Shard key on the metadata field and time fields. (function metaAndTimeShardKey() { st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: `${dbName}.${collName}`, key: {[metaField]: 1, 'time': 1}, timeseries: {timeField, metaField, granularity: "hours"} })); // Split the chunks such that primary shard has chunk: [{MinKey, MinKey}, {0, 2020-01-01}) and // other shard has chunk [{0, 2020-01-01}, {MaxKey, MaxKey}]. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ split: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, middle: {meta: 0, 'control.min.time': ISODate(`2020-01-01`)} })); const primaryShard = st.getPrimaryShard(dbName); const otherShard = st.getOther(primaryShard); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ movechunk: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, find: {meta: 10, 'control.min.time': MinKey}, to: otherShard.shardName, _waitForDelete: true })); const counts = st.chunkCounts(`system.buckets.${collName}`, dbName); assert.eq(1, counts[st.shard0.shardName]); assert.eq(1, counts[st.shard1.shardName]); const coll = sDB.getCollection(collName); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { runInsert("2019-11-11", i); runInsert("2019-12-31", -i); runInsert("2020-01-21", i); runInsert("2020-11-31", -i); } runInsert("2020-11-31", {subField: 1}); // EQ. runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0}, expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({query: {[metaField]: 1}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName]}); // Query on sub-fields of shard key pattern will be routed to all shards. runQuery({ query: {[`${metaField}.subField`]: 1}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName], // Since the index cannot be used on the meta sub-field, expect a full collection scan. expectCollScan: true, }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: ISODate("2019-12-31")}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: ISODate("2020-01-21")}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); // LTE. runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$lte: ISODate("2019-12-31")}}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 1, [timeField]: {$lte: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$lte: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 3, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: {$lte: 0}, [timeField]: {$lte: ISODate("2019-12-31")}}, expectedDocs: 3, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); // LT. runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$lt: ISODate("2019-12-31")}}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 1, [timeField]: {$lt: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$lt: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 3, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: {$lt: 0}, [timeField]: {$lt: ISODate("2019-12-31")}}, expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); // GTE. runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: -1, [timeField]: {$gte: ISODate("2020-11-31")}}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$gte: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$gte: ISODate("2020-01-02")}}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: {$gte: 0}, [timeField]: {$gte: ISODate("2020-02-01")}}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); // GT. runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: -1, [timeField]: {$gt: ISODate("2020-11-31")}}, expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$gt: ISODate("2020-11-11")}}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: 0, [timeField]: {$gt: ISODate("2020-01-02")}}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaField]: {$gt: 0}, [timeField]: {$gt: ISODate("2020-02-01")}}, expectedDocs: 0, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); assert(coll.drop()); })(); // Shard key on the metadata fields. (function metaFieldShardKey() { st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); // Shard timeseries collection. const metaPrefix = `${metaField}.prefix`; const metaSuffix = `${metaField}.suffix`; const shardKey = {[metaPrefix]: 1, [metaSuffix]: 1}; assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: `${dbName}.${collName}`, key: shardKey, timeseries: {timeField, metaField} })); splitPoint = {'meta.prefix': 0, 'meta.suffix': 0}; assert.commandWorked( sDB.adminCommand({split: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, middle: splitPoint})); // Move one of the chunks into the second shard. const primaryShard = st.getPrimaryShard(dbName); const otherShard = st.getOther(primaryShard); assert.commandWorked(sDB.adminCommand({ movechunk: `${dbName}.system.buckets.${collName}`, find: splitPoint, to: otherShard.name, _waitForDelete: true })); // Ensure that each shard owns one chunk. const counts = st.chunkCounts(`system.buckets.${collName}`, dbName); assert.eq(1, counts[primaryShard.shardName], counts); assert.eq(1, counts[otherShard.shardName], counts); const coll = sDB.getCollection(collName); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { runInsert("2019-11-11", {prefix: -i, suffix: -i}); runInsert("2019-12-31", {prefix: -i, suffix: i}); runInsert("2020-01-21", {prefix: i, suffix: -i}); runInsert("2020-11-31", {prefix: i, suffix: i}); } // Equality queries on prefix and full shard key values. runQuery({ query: {[metaPrefix]: 0}, expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({ query: {[metaPrefix]: 0, [metaSuffix]: 0}, expectedDocs: 4, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName] }); runQuery({query: {[metaPrefix]: 1}, expectedDocs: 2, expectedShards: [otherShard.shardName]}); runQuery({ query: {[metaPrefix]: 0, [timeField]: ISODate("2019-12-31")}, expectedDocs: 1, expectedShards: [primaryShard.shardName, otherShard.shardName] }); assert(coll.drop()); })(); st.stop(); })();