/** * This test is labeled resource intensive because its total io_write is 90MB compared to a median * of 5MB across all sharding tests in wiredTiger. * @tags: [resource_intensive] */ function shardSetup(shardConfig, dbName, collName) { var st = new ShardingTest(shardConfig); var db = st.getDB(dbName); // Set the balancer mode to only balance on autoSplit assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB('config').settings.update( {_id: 'balancer'}, {'$unset': {stopped: ''}, '$set': {mode: 'autoSplitOnly'}}, {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); return st; } function getShardWithTopChunk(configDB, lowOrHigh, ns) { // lowOrHigh: 1 low "top chunk", -1 high "top chunk" print(ns); print(configDB.chunks.count({"ns": ns})); print(configDB.chunks.count()); print(JSON.stringify(configDB.chunks.findOne())); print(JSON.stringify(configDB.chunks.findOne({"ns": {$ne: "config.system.sessions"}}))); return configDB.chunks.find({"ns": ns}).sort({min: lowOrHigh}).limit(1).next().shard; } function getNumberOfChunks(configDB) { return configDB.chunks.count(); } function runTest(test) { jsTest.log('Running: ' + tojson(test)); // Setup // Shard collection assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll + "", key: {x: 1}})); // Pre-split, move chunks & create tags for (var i = 0; i < test.shards.length; i++) { var startRange = test.shards[i].range.min; var endRange = test.shards[i].range.max; var chunkSize = Math.abs(endRange - startRange) / test.shards[i].chunks; for (var j = startRange; j < endRange; j += chunkSize) { // No split on highest chunk if (j + chunkSize >= MAXVAL) { continue; } assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({split: coll + "", middle: {x: j + chunkSize}})); db.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll + "", find: {x: j}, to: test.shards[i].name}); } // Make sure to move chunk when there's only 1 chunk in shard db.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll + "", find: {x: startRange}, to: test.shards[i].name}); // Make sure to move highest chunk if (test.shards[i].range.max == MAXVAL) { db.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll + "", find: {x: MAXVAL}, to: test.shards[i].name}); } // Add tags to each shard var tags = test.shards[i].tags || []; for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { sh.addShardTag(test.shards[i].name, tags[j]); } } // Add tag ranges associated to a tag var tagRanges = test.tagRanges || []; for (var j = 0; j < tagRanges.length; j++) { sh.addTagRange(db + "." + collName, {x: tagRanges[j].range.min}, {x: tagRanges[j].range.max}, tagRanges[j].tag); } // Number of chunks before auto-split var numChunks = getNumberOfChunks(configDB); // End of setup // Insert on top chunk to force auto-split var largeStr = new Array(1000).join('x'); // Insert one doc at a time until first auto-split occurs on top chunk var xval = test.inserts.value; do { var doc = {x: xval, val: largeStr}; coll.insert(doc); xval += test.inserts.inc; } while (getNumberOfChunks(configDB) <= numChunks); printShardingStatus(configDB); // Test for where new top chunk should reside assert.eq(getShardWithTopChunk(configDB, test.lowOrHigh, db + "." + collName), test.movedToShard, test.name + " chunk in the wrong shard"); // Cleanup: Drop collection, tags & tag ranges coll.drop(); for (var i = 0; i < test.shards.length; i++) { var tags = test.shards[i].tags || []; for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { sh.removeShardTag(test.shards[i].name, tags[j]); } } assert.writeOK(configDB.tags.remove({ns: db + "." + collName})); // End of test cleanup } // Define shard key ranges for each of the shard nodes var MINVAL = -500; var MAXVAL = 1500; var lowChunkRange = {min: MINVAL, max: 0}; var midChunkRange1 = {min: 0, max: 500}; var midChunkRange2 = {min: 500, max: 1000}; var highChunkRange = {min: 1000, max: MAXVAL}; var lowChunkTagRange = {min: MinKey, max: 0}; var highChunkTagRange = {min: 1000, max: MaxKey}; var lowChunkInserts = {value: 0, inc: -1}; var midChunkInserts = {value: 1, inc: 1}; var highChunkInserts = {value: 1000, inc: 1}; var lowChunk = 1; var highChunk = -1; // Test objects: // name - name of test // lowOrHigh - 1 for low top chunk, -1 for high top chunk // movedToShard - name of shard the new top chunk should reside on // shards - array of shard objects // name - name of shard // range - range object of shard key // chunks - number of chunks to pre-split on this shard // tags - array of tags associated to this shard // tagRanges - array of objects defining the tag range // range - range object of shard key // tag - tag associated to this range // inserts - object for inserting on shard key from low to high // low - low shard key value // high - high shard key value var tests = [ { // Test auto-split on the "low" top chunk to another tagged shard name: "low top chunk with tag move", lowOrHigh: lowChunk, movedToShard: "shard0002", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 20, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20, tags: ["SF"]}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 5, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1, tags: ["SF"]}, ], tagRanges: [ {range: lowChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: highChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: midChunkRange1, tag: "SF"}, {range: midChunkRange2, tag: "SF"} ], inserts: lowChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "low" top chunk to same tagged shard name: "low top chunk with tag no move", lowOrHigh: lowChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 5, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20, tags: ["SF"]}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 20, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1, tags: ["SF"]}, ], tagRanges: [ {range: lowChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: highChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: midChunkRange1, tag: "SF"}, {range: midChunkRange2, tag: "SF"} ], inserts: lowChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "low" top chunk to another shard name: "low top chunk no tag move", lowOrHigh: lowChunk, movedToShard: "shard0003", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 5}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1} ], inserts: lowChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk to another tagged shard name: "high top chunk with tag move", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 5, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20, tags: ["SF"]}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 20, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1, tags: ["SF"]} ], tagRanges: [ {range: lowChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: highChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: midChunkRange1, tag: "SF"}, {range: midChunkRange2, tag: "SF"} ], inserts: highChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk to another shard name: "high top chunk no tag move", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0003", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 5}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1} ], inserts: highChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk to same tagged shard name: "high top chunk with tag no move", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0002", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 20, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20, tags: ["SF"]}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 5, tags: ["NYC"]}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 1, tags: ["SF"]} ], tagRanges: [ {range: lowChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: highChunkTagRange, tag: "NYC"}, {range: midChunkRange1, tag: "SF"}, {range: midChunkRange2, tag: "SF"} ], inserts: highChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk to same shard name: "high top chunk no tag no move", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0002", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0001", range: midChunkRange1, chunks: 20}, {name: "shard0002", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 1}, {name: "shard0003", range: midChunkRange2, chunks: 5} ], inserts: highChunkInserts }, ]; var singleNodeTests = [ { // Test auto-split on the "low" top chunk on single node shard name: "single node shard - low top chunk", lowOrHigh: lowChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [{name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 2}], inserts: lowChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk on single node shard name: "single node shard - high top chunk", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [{name: "shard0000", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 2}], inserts: highChunkInserts }, ]; var maxSizeTests = [ { // Test auto-split on the "low" top chunk with maxSize on destination shard name: "maxSize - low top chunk", lowOrHigh: lowChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 10}, {name: "shard0001", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 1} ], inserts: lowChunkInserts }, { // Test auto-split on the "high" top chunk with maxSize on destination shard name: "maxSize - high top chunk", lowOrHigh: highChunk, movedToShard: "shard0000", shards: [ {name: "shard0000", range: highChunkRange, chunks: 10}, {name: "shard0001", range: lowChunkRange, chunks: 1} ], inserts: highChunkInserts }, ]; // Main var dbName = "TopChunkDB"; var collName = "coll"; var st = shardSetup( {name: "topchunk", shards: 4, chunkSize: 1, other: {enableAutoSplit: true}}, dbName, collName); var db = st.getDB(dbName); var coll = db[collName]; var configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, 'shard0000'); // Execute all test objects for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { runTest(tests[i]); } st.stop(); // Single node shard tests st = shardSetup({name: "singleNode", shards: 1, chunkSize: 1, other: {enableAutoSplit: true}}, dbName, collName); db = st.getDB(dbName); coll = db[collName]; configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, 'shard0000'); // Execute all test objects for (var i = 0; i < singleNodeTests.length; i++) { runTest(singleNodeTests[i]); } st.stop(); // maxSize test // To set maxSize, must manually add the shards st = shardSetup({ name: "maxSize", shards: 2, chunkSize: 1, other: {manualAddShard: true, enableAutoSplit: true} }, dbName, collName); db = st.getDB(dbName); coll = db[collName]; configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); // maxSize on shard0000 - 5MB, on shard0001 - 1MB assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({addshard: st.getConnNames()[0], maxSize: 5})); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({addshard: st.getConnNames()[1], maxSize: 1})); // SERVER-17070 Auto split moves to shard node running WiredTiger, if exceeding maxSize var unsupported = ["wiredTiger", "rocksdb", "inMemory", "ephemeralForTest"]; if (unsupported.indexOf(st.d0.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1}).storageEngine.name) == -1 && unsupported.indexOf(st.d1.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1}).storageEngine.name) == -1) { assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, 'shard0000'); // Execute all test objects for (var i = 0; i < maxSizeTests.length; i++) { runTest(maxSizeTests[i]); } } st.stop();