/** * Tests that the appropriate commit path (single-shard, read-only, single-write-shard, two-phase * commit) is taken for a variety of transaction types. * * Checks that the response formats are correct across each type for several scenarios, including * no failures, a participant having failed over, a participant being unable to satisfy the client's * writeConcern, and an invalid client writeConcern. * * @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_multi_shard_transaction] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js"); load("jstests/sharding/libs/sharded_transactions_helpers.js"); // Waits for the given log to appear a number of times in the shell's rawMongoProgramOutput. // Loops because it is not guaranteed the program output will immediately contain all lines // logged at an earlier wall clock time. function waitForLog(logLine, times) { assert.soon(function() { const matches = rawMongoProgramOutput().match(new RegExp(logLine, "g")) || []; return matches.length === times; }, 'Failed to find "' + logLine + '" logged ' + times + ' times'); } function getLSID() { return {id: UUID()}; } const addTxnFields = function(command, lsid, txnNumber, startTransaction) { let txnFields = { lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), stmtId: NumberInt(0), autocommit: false, }; if (startTransaction) { txnFields.startTransaction = true; } return Object.assign({}, command, txnFields); }; const makeCommitCommand = function(wtimeout) { let writeConcern = {w: "majority"}; if (wtimeout) { writeConcern.wtimeout = wtimeout; } return {commitTransaction: 1, writeConcern: writeConcern}; }; const noop = () => {}; const dbName = "test"; const collName = "foo"; const ns = dbName + "." + collName; // Lower the transaction timeout, since this test exercises cases where the coordinator should // time out collecting prepare votes from participants that cannot majority commit writes. TestData.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds = 30; let st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 3, // Create shards with more than one node because we test for writeConcern majority failing. config: 1, other: { mongosOptions: {verbose: 3}, rs0: {nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]}, rs1: {nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]}, rs2: {nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]}, }, }); enableCoordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision(st); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Create a "dummy" collection for doing noop writes to advance shard's last applied OpTimes. assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).getCollection("dummy").insert({dummy: 1})); // The test uses three shards with one chunk each in order to control which shards are targeted // for each statement: // // (-inf, 0): shard key = txnNumber * -1 // (0, MAX_TRANSACTIONS): shard key = txnNumber // (MAX_TRANSACTIONS, +inf): shard key = txnNumber + MAX_TRANSACTIONS // // So, if the test ever exceeds txnNumber transactions, statements that are meant to target the // middle chunk will instead target the highest chunk. To fix this, increase MAX_TRANSACTIONS. const MAX_TRANSACTIONS = 10000; // Create a sharded collection with a chunk on each shard: assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: MAX_TRANSACTIONS}})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: -1}, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: MAX_TRANSACTIONS}, to: st.shard2.shardName})); // Insert something into each chunk so that a multi-update actually results in a write on each // shard (otherwise the shard may remain read-only). This also ensures all the routers and // shards have fresh routing table caches, so they do not need to be refreshed separately. assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand({ insert: collName, documents: [{_id: -1 * MAX_TRANSACTIONS}, {_id: 0}, {_id: MAX_TRANSACTIONS}] })); let txnNumber = 1; const readShard0 = txnNumber => { return {find: collName, filter: {_id: (-1 * txnNumber)}}; }; const readShard1 = txnNumber => { return {find: collName, filter: {_id: txnNumber}}; }; const readShard2 = txnNumber => { return {find: collName, filter: {_id: (MAX_TRANSACTIONS + txnNumber)}}; }; const readAllShards = () => { return {find: collName}; }; const writeShard0 = txnNumber => { return { update: collName, updates: [{q: {_id: (txnNumber * -1)}, u: {_id: (txnNumber * -1), updated: 1}, upsert: true}], }; }; const writeShard1 = txnNumber => { return { update: collName, updates: [{q: {_id: txnNumber}, u: {_id: txnNumber, updated: 1}, upsert: true}], }; }; const writeShard2 = txnNumber => { return { update: collName, updates: [{ q: {_id: (txnNumber + MAX_TRANSACTIONS)}, u: {_id: (txnNumber + MAX_TRANSACTIONS), updated: 1}, upsert: true }], }; }; const writeAllShards = () => { return { update: collName, updates: [{q: {}, u: {$inc: {updated: 1}}, multi: true}], }; }; // For each transaction type, contains the list of statements for that type. const transactionTypes = { readOnlySingleShardSingleStatementExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber)]; }, readOnlySingleShardMultiStatementExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber), readShard0(txnNumber)]; }, readOnlyMultiShardSingleStatementExpectReadOnlyCommit: txnNumber => { return [readAllShards(txnNumber)]; }, readOnlyMultiShardMultiStatementExpectReadOnlyCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber), readShard1(txnNumber), readShard2(txnNumber)]; }, writeSingleShardSingleStatementExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber)]; }, writeSingleShardMultiStatementExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber), writeShard0(txnNumber)]; }, writeMultiShardSingleStatementExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeAllShards(txnNumber)]; }, writeMultiShardMultiStatementExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber), writeShard1(txnNumber), writeShard2(txnNumber)]; }, readWriteSingleShardExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber), writeShard0(txnNumber)]; }, writeReadSingleShardExpectSingleShardCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber), readShard0(txnNumber)]; }, // TODO (SERVER-48340): Re-enable the single-write-shard transaction commit optimization. readOneShardWriteOtherShardExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber), writeShard1(txnNumber)]; }, // TODO (SERVER-48340): Re-enable the single-write-shard transaction commit optimization. writeOneShardReadOtherShardExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber), readShard1(txnNumber)]; }, readOneShardWriteTwoOtherShardsExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [readShard0(txnNumber), writeShard1(txnNumber), writeShard2(txnNumber)]; }, writeTwoShardsReadOneOtherShardExpectTwoPhaseCommit: txnNumber => { return [writeShard0(txnNumber), writeShard1(txnNumber), readShard2(txnNumber)]; }, }; const failureModes = { noFailures: { beforeStatements: noop, beforeCommit: noop, getCommitCommand: (lsid, txnNumber) => { return addTxnFields(makeCommitCommand(), lsid, txnNumber); }, checkCommitResult: (res) => { // Commit should return ok without writeConcern error assert.commandWorked(res); assert.eq(null, res.errorLabels); }, cleanUp: noop, }, participantStepsDownBeforeClientSendsCommit: { beforeStatements: noop, beforeCommit: () => { // Participant primary steps down. let primary = st.rs0.getPrimary(); assert.commandWorked( primary.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 60 /* stepDownSecs */, force: true})); st.rs0.waitForState(primary, ReplSetTest.State.SECONDARY); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetFreeze: 0})); st.rs0.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); }, getCommitCommand: (lsid, txnNumber) => { return addTxnFields(makeCommitCommand(), lsid, txnNumber); }, checkCommitResult: (res) => { // Commit should return NoSuchTransaction. assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction); assert.eq(["TransientTransactionError"], res.errorLabels); }, cleanUp: () => { st.rs0.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); }, }, participantCannotMajorityCommitWritesClientSendsWriteConcernMajority: { beforeStatements: (expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { // The default WC is majority and stopServerReplication will prevent satisfying any // majority writes. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}, writeConcern: {w: "majority"} })); // If two-phase commit is involved, rs0 will be the coordinator so we should disable // replication on a different participant. stopServerReplication(expectTwoPhaseCommit ? st.rs1.getSecondaries() : st.rs0.getSecondaries()); // Do a write on rs0 through the router outside the transaction to ensure the // transaction will choose a read time that has not been majority committed. assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).getCollection("dummy").insert({dummy: 1})); }, beforeCommit: noop, getCommitCommand: (lsid, txnNumber) => { return addTxnFields(makeCommitCommand(10 * 1000 /* wtimeout */), lsid, txnNumber); }, checkCommitResult: (res, expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { if (expectTwoPhaseCommit) { // One of the participants cannot majority commit writes so the coordinator will // timeout waiting for votes, and consequently abort the transaction with // NoSuchTransaction error as the abort reason. assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction); assert.eq(["TransientTransactionError"], res.errorLabels); } else { // Commit should return ok with a writeConcernError with wtimeout. assert.commandWorkedIgnoringWriteConcernErrors(res); checkWriteConcernTimedOut(res); assert.eq(null, res.errorLabels); } }, cleanUp: (expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { restartServerReplication(expectTwoPhaseCommit ? st.rs1.getSecondaries() : st.rs0.getSecondaries()); }, }, participantCannotMajorityCommitWritesClientSendsWriteConcern1: { beforeStatements: (expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { // stopServerReplication will prevent fulfil any majority writes. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}, writeConcern: {w: "majority"} })); // If two-phase commit is involved, rs0 will be the coordinator so we should disable // replication on a different participant. stopServerReplication(expectTwoPhaseCommit ? st.rs1.getSecondaries() : st.rs0.getSecondaries()); // Do a write on rs0 through the router outside the transaction to ensure the // transaction will choose a read time that has not been majority committed. assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).getCollection("dummy").insert({dummy: 1})); }, beforeCommit: noop, getCommitCommand: (lsid, txnNumber) => { return addTxnFields({commitTransaction: 1, writeConcern: {w: 1}}, lsid, txnNumber); }, checkCommitResult: (res, expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { if (expectTwoPhaseCommit) { // One of the participants cannot majority commit writes so the coordinator will // timeout waiting for votes, and consequently abort the transaction with // NoSuchTransaction error as the abort reason. assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction); assert.eq(["TransientTransactionError"], res.errorLabels); } else { // Commit should return ok without writeConcern error. assert.commandWorked(res); assert.eq(null, res.errorLabels); } }, cleanUp: (expectTwoPhaseCommit) => { restartServerReplication(expectTwoPhaseCommit ? st.rs1.getSecondaries() : st.rs0.getSecondaries()); }, }, clientSendsInvalidWriteConcernOnCommit: { beforeStatements: noop, beforeCommit: noop, getCommitCommand: (lsid, txnNumber) => { // Client sends invalid writeConcern on commit. return addTxnFields( {commitTransaction: 1, writeConcern: {w: "invalid"}}, lsid, txnNumber); }, checkCommitResult: (res) => { // Commit should return ok with writeConcernError without wtimeout. assert.commandWorkedIgnoringWriteConcernErrors(res); assertWriteConcernError(res); assert.eq(ErrorCodes.UnknownReplWriteConcern, res.writeConcernError.code); assert(!res.writeConcernError.errInfo || !res.writeConcernError.errInfo.wtimeout); assert.eq(null, res.errorLabels); }, cleanUp: noop, }, }; for (const failureModeName in failureModes) { for (const type in transactionTypes) { const lsid = getLSID(); txnNumber++; assert.lt(txnNumber, MAX_TRANSACTIONS, "Test exceeded maximum number of transactions allowable by the test's chunk" + " distribution created during the test setup. Please increase" + " MAX_TRANSACTIONS in the test."); jsTest.log(`Testing ${failureModeName} with ${type} at txnNumber ${txnNumber}`); const failureMode = failureModes[failureModeName]; const expectTwoPhaseCommit = type.includes("TwoPhaseCommit"); // Run the statements. failureMode.beforeStatements(expectTwoPhaseCommit); let startTransaction = true; transactionTypes[type](txnNumber).forEach(command => { assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand( addTxnFields(command, lsid, txnNumber, startTransaction))); startTransaction = false; }); // Run commit. const commitCmd = failureMode.getCommitCommand(lsid, txnNumber); failureMode.beforeCommit(); const commitRes = st.s.adminCommand(commitCmd); failureMode.checkCommitResult(commitRes, expectTwoPhaseCommit); // Re-running commit should return the same response. const commitRetryRes = st.s.adminCommand(commitCmd); failureMode.checkCommitResult(commitRetryRes, expectTwoPhaseCommit); if (type.includes("ExpectSingleShardCommit")) { waitForLog("Committing single-shard transaction", 2); } else if (type.includes("ExpectReadOnlyCommit")) { waitForLog("Committing read-only transaction", 2); } else if (type.includes("ExpectSingleWriteShardCommit")) { waitForLog("Committing single-write-shard transaction", 2); } else if (type.includes("ExpectTwoPhaseCommit")) { waitForLog("Committing using two-phase commit", 2); } else { assert(false, `Unknown transaction type: ${type}`); } clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); failureMode.cleanUp(expectTwoPhaseCommit); } } st.stop(); })();