/** * Tests that if the coordinator goes down after it makes the decision to commit, that both the * stable timestamp is still able to advance on the participants and we are able to eventually * commit the transaction. * * This test restarts shard replica sets, so it requires a persistent storage engine. * @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_multi_shard_transaction, requires_persistence] */ // The UUID consistency check uses connections to shards cached on the ShardingTest object, but this // test causes failovers on a shard, so the cached connection is not usable. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; // Since we expect prepared transactions in progress when shutting down a node, we will need to skip // these validation checks. TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load('jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js'); const rs0_opts = { nodes: [{}, {}] }; // Start the participant replSet with one node as a priority 0 node to avoid flip flopping. const rs1_opts = { nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}] }; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: rs0_opts, rs1: rs1_opts}, mongos: 1, causallyConsistent: true}); // Create a sharded collection: // shard0: [-inf, 0) // shard1: [0, inf) assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'})); st.ensurePrimaryShard('test', st.shard0.name); assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test.user', key: {x: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({split: 'test.user', middle: {x: 0}})); assert.commandWorked( st.s0.adminCommand({moveChunk: 'test.user', find: {x: 0}, to: st.shard1.name})); const testDB = st.s0.getDB('test'); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({insert: 'user', documents: [{x: -10}, {x: 10}]})); const coordinatorReplSetTest = st.rs0; const participantReplSetTest = st.rs1; let coordinatorPrimaryConn = coordinatorReplSetTest.getPrimary(); let participantPrimaryConn = participantReplSetTest.getPrimary(); const lsid = { id: UUID() }; let txnNumber = 0; const participantList = [{shardId: st.shard0.shardName}, {shardId: st.shard1.shardName}]; // Build the following command as a string since we need to persist the lsid and the txnNumber // into the scope of the parallel shell. // assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.adminCommand({ // commitTransaction: 1, // maxTimeMS: 2000 * 10, // lsid: lsid, // txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), // stmtId: NumberInt(0), // autocommit: false, // }), ErrorCodes.MaxTimeMSExpired); const runCommitThroughMongosInParallelShellExpectTimeOut = function() { const runCommitExpectTimeOutCode = "assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.adminCommand({" + "commitTransaction: 1, maxTimeMS: 2000 * 10, " + "lsid: " + tojson(lsid) + "," + "txnNumber: NumberLong(" + txnNumber + ")," + "stmtId: NumberInt(0)," + "autocommit: false," + "})," + "ErrorCodes.MaxTimeMSExpired);"; return startParallelShell(runCommitExpectTimeOutCode, st.s.port); }; jsTest.log("Starting a cross-shard transaction"); // Start a cross shard transaction through mongos. const updateDocumentOnShard0 = { q: {x: -1}, u: {"$set": {a: 1}}, upsert: true }; const updateDocumentOnShard1 = { q: {x: 1}, u: {"$set": {a: 1}}, upsert: true }; assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({ update: 'user', updates: [updateDocumentOnShard0, updateDocumentOnShard1], lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), autocommit: false, startTransaction: true })); jsTest.log("Turn on hangBeforeWritingDecision failpoint"); // Make the commit coordination hang before writing the decision, and send commitTransaction. // The transaction on the participant will remain in prepare. let failPoint = configureFailPoint(coordinatorPrimaryConn, "hangBeforeWritingDecision"); // Run commit through mongos in a parallel shell. This should timeout since we have set the // failpoint. runCommitThroughMongosInParallelShellExpectTimeOut(); failPoint.wait(); jsTest.log("Stopping coordinator shard"); // Stop the mongods on the coordinator shard using the SIGTERM signal. We must skip validation // checks since we'll be shutting down a node with a prepared transaction. coordinatorReplSetTest.stopSet(15, true /* forRestart */, {skipValidation: true} /* opts */); // Once the coordinator has gone down, do a majority write on the participant while there is a // prepared transaction. This will ensure that the stable timestamp is able to advance since // this write must be in the committed snapshot. const session = participantPrimaryConn.startSession(); const sessionDB = session.getDatabase("dummy"); const sessionColl = sessionDB.getCollection("dummy"); session.resetOperationTime_forTesting(); assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.insert({dummy: 2}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); assert.neq(session.getOperationTime(), null); assert.neq(session.getClusterTime(), null); jsTest.log("Successfully completed majority write on participant"); // Confirm that a majority read on the secondary includes the dummy write. This would mean that // the stable timestamp also advanced on the secondary. // In order to do this read with readConcern majority, we must use afterClusterTime with causal // consistency enabled. const participantSecondaryConn = participantReplSetTest.getSecondary(); const secondaryDB = participantSecondaryConn.getDB("dummy"); const res = secondaryDB.runCommand({ find: "dummy", readConcern: {level: "majority", afterClusterTime: session.getOperationTime()}, }); assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch.length, 1); jsTest.log("Restarting coordinator"); // Restarting the coordinator will reset the fail point. coordinatorReplSetTest.startSet({restart: true}); coordinatorPrimaryConn = coordinatorReplSetTest.getPrimary(); jsTest.log("Committing transaction"); // Now, commitTransaction should succeed. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ commitTransaction: 1, lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), stmtId: NumberInt(0), autocommit: false })); st.stop(); })();