// Tests that sub-queries across shards as part of $unionWith will obey the read preference // specified by the user. // @tags: [requires_majority_read_concern] (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/libs/profiler.js'); // For various profiler helpers. load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For arrayEq() const st = new ShardingTest({name: "union_with_read_pref", mongos: 1, shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 2}}); // In this test we perform writes which we expect to read on a secondary, so we need to enable // causal consistency. const dbName = jsTestName() + "_db"; st.s0.setCausalConsistency(true); const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(dbName); const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()]; const unionedColl = mongosDB.union_target; // Shard the test collection on _id with 2 chunks: [MinKey, 0), [0, MaxKey]. st.shardColl(mongosColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 0}); // Shard the union's target collection on _id with the same chunks, but moving the negative chunk // off the primary shard so their distributions are flipped. st.shardColl(unionedColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: -1}); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard1.shardName); // Turn on the profiler. for (let rs of [st.rs0, st.rs1]) { const primary = rs.getPrimary(); const secondary = rs.getSecondary(); assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2, -1)); assert.commandWorked( primary.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, logComponentVerbosity: {query: {verbosity: 3}}})); assert.commandWorked(secondary.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2, -1)); assert.commandWorked( secondary.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, logComponentVerbosity: {query: {verbosity: 3}}})); } // Write a document to each chunk. assert.commandWorked(mongosColl.insert([{_id: -1, docNum: 0}, {_id: 1, docNum: 1}], {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); assert.commandWorked(unionedColl.insert([{_id: -1, docNum: 2}, {_id: 1, docNum: 3}], {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Test that $unionWith goes to the primary by default. let unionWithComment = "union against primary"; assert.eq(mongosColl .aggregate([{$unionWith: unionedColl.getName()}, {$sort: {docNum: 1}}], {comment: unionWithComment}) .toArray(), [{_id: -1, docNum: 0}, {_id: 1, docNum: 1}, {_id: -1, docNum: 2}, {_id: 1, docNum: 3}]); // Test that the union's sub-pipelines go to the primary. for (let rs of [st.rs0, st.rs1]) { const primaryDB = rs.getPrimary().getDB(dbName); profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: primaryDB, filter: { ns: unionedColl.getFullName(), op: {$ne: "getmore"}, "command.comment": unionWithComment, } }); } // Test that $unionWith subpipelines go to the secondary when the readPreference is {mode: // "secondary"}. unionWithComment = 'union against secondary'; assert.eq(mongosColl .aggregate([{$unionWith: unionedColl.getName()}, {$sort: {docNum: 1}}], { comment: unionWithComment, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "majority"} }) .toArray(), [{_id: -1, docNum: 0}, {_id: 1, docNum: 1}, {_id: -1, docNum: 2}, {_id: 1, docNum: 3}]); // Test that the union's sub-pipelines go to the secondary. for (let rs of [st.rs0, st.rs1]) { const secondaryDB = rs.getSecondary().getDB(dbName); profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: secondaryDB, filter: { ns: unionedColl.getFullName(), op: {$ne: "getmore"}, "command.comment": unionWithComment, // We need to filter out any profiler entries with a stale config - this is the first // read on this secondary with a readConcern specified, so it is the first read on this // secondary that will enforce shard version. errCode: {$ne: ErrorCodes.StaleConfig} } }); } // Now a more extreme test, add a nested $unionWith and a more complicated sub - pipeline to ensure // any sub-operation always goes to the secondary if the read preference is secondary. const secondTargetColl = mongosDB.second_union_target; st.shardColl(secondTargetColl, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: -1}); assert.commandWorked(secondTargetColl.insert([{_id: -1, docNum: 4}, {_id: 1, docNum: 5}], {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // This find triggers a refresh on the secondaries so the following union is able to find all the // documents in `second_union_target`. Without the find, the router is seeing this collection for // the first time and so presumes UNSHARDED, which does not cause mismatch against the shard's // UNKNOWN version due to SERVER-32198. // TODO SERVER-32198: Update this test to not depend on the find for refresh. assert.eq(new DBCommandCursor(mongosDB, assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.runCommand({ query: {find: secondTargetColl.getName(), readConcern: {level: "local"}}, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"} }))).itcount(), 2); unionWithComment = 'complex union against secondary'; let runAgg = () => mongosColl .aggregate( [ { $unionWith: { coll: unionedColl.getName(), pipeline: [ {$unionWith: secondTargetColl.getName()}, ] } }, {$group: {_id: "$_id", docNum: {$push: "$docNum"}}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}, ], { comment: unionWithComment, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "majority"} }) .toArray(); assert.eq(runAgg(), [{_id: -1, docNum: [0, 2, 4]}, {_id: 1, docNum: [1, 3, 5]}]); // Test that the union's sub-pipelines go to the secondary. for (let rs of [st.rs0, st.rs1]) { jsTestLog(`Testing profile on shard ${rs.getURL()}`); const secondaryDB = rs.getSecondary().getDB(dbName); profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: secondaryDB, filter: { ns: unionedColl.getFullName(), op: {$ne: "getmore"}, "command.comment": unionWithComment, // We need to filter out any profiler entries with a stale config - this is the first // read on this secondary with a readConcern specified, so it is the first read on this // secondary that will enforce shard version. errCode: {$ne: ErrorCodes.StaleConfig} } }); profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: secondaryDB, filter: { ns: secondTargetColl.getFullName(), op: {$ne: "getmore"}, "command.comment": unionWithComment, // We need to filter out any profiler entries with a stale config - this is the first // read on this secondary with a readConcern specified, so it is the first read on this // secondary that will enforce shard version. errCode: {$ne: ErrorCodes.StaleConfig} } }); } st.stop(); }());