/** * Test that mongos creation time is reported once and only once. * * @tags: [requires_fcv_52] */ (function() { 'use strict'; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); const configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); print("mongos0 connection string: " + st.s0, typeof (st.s0)); let docInitial; let docNext; assert.soon(function() { const cursor = configDB.mongos.find({_id: st.s0.host}); if ((cursor.count()) === 0) { return false; } docInitial = cursor.next(); return docInitial != null; }, "uptime reporter test timed out on initial", undefined, 1000); assert.soon(function() { const cursor = configDB.mongos.find({_id: st.s0.host}); if ((cursor.count()) === 0) { return false; } docNext = cursor.next(); return docNext.created.toString() === docInitial.created.toString() && docNext.ping.toString() != docInitial.ping.toString(); }, "uptime reporter test timed out on update", undefined, 1000); st.stop(); })();