// Test that when user flags are set on a collection, // then collection is sharded, flags get carried over. (function() { if (jsTest.options().storageEngine === "mmapv1") { // the dbname and collection we'll be working with var dbname = "testDB"; var coll = "userFlagsColl"; var ns = dbname + "." + coll; // First create fresh collection on a new standalone mongod var newShardConn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); var db1 = newShardConn.getDB( dbname ); var t = db1.getCollection( coll ); print(t); db1.getCollection( coll ).drop(); //in case collection already existed db1.createCollection( coll ); // Then verify the new collection has userFlags set to 0 var collstats = db1.getCollection( coll ).stats(); print( "*************** Fresh Collection Stats ************" ); printjson( collstats ); assert.eq( collstats.userFlags , 1 , "fresh collection doesn't have userFlags = 1 "); // Now we modify the collection with the usePowerOf2Sizes flag var res = db1.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll , "usePowerOf2Sizes" : false } ); assert.eq( res.ok , 1 , "collMod failed" ); // and insert some stuff, for the hell of it var numdocs = 20; for( i=0; i < numdocs; i++){ assert.writeOK(db1.getCollection( coll ).insert({ _id : i })); } // Next verify that userFlags has changed to 0 collstats = db1.getCollection( coll ).stats(); print( "*************** Collection Stats After CollMod ************" ); printjson( collstats ); assert.eq( collstats.userFlags , 0 , "modified collection should have userFlags = 0 "); // start up a new sharded cluster, and add previous mongod var s = new ShardingTest({ name: "user_flags", shards: 1 }); assert( s.admin.runCommand( { addshard: newShardConn.host , name: "myShard" } ).ok, "did not accept new shard" ); // enable sharding of the collection. Only 1 chunk initially, so move it to // other shard to create the collection on that shard s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : dbname } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : ns , key: { _id : 1 } } ); s.adminCommand({ moveChunk: ns, find: { _id: 1 }, to: "shard0000", _waitForDelete: true }); print( "*************** Collection Stats On Other Shard ************" ); var shard2 = s._connections[0].getDB( dbname ); shard2stats = shard2.getCollection( coll ).stats(); printjson( shard2stats ); assert.eq( shard2stats.count , numdocs , "moveChunk didn't succeed" ); assert.eq( shard2stats.userFlags , 0 , "new shard should also have userFlags = 0 "); MongoRunner.stopMongod(newShardConn); s.stop(); } })();