// Try to create two identical indexes, via background. Shouldn't be allowed by the server. // This test runs fairly quickly but cannot be in /jstests/. So it lives in slowNightly for now. var t = db.duplIndexTest; t.drop(); for (var i=0; i<10000; i++) { t.insert( { name : "foo" , z : { a : 17 , b : 4}, i: i } ); } var cmd = "db.duplIndexTest.ensureIndex( { i : 1 }, {background:true} );" var join1 = startParallelShell(cmd); var join2 = startParallelShell(cmd); t.ensureIndex( { i : 1 }, {background:true} ); assert.eq(1, t.find({i:1}).count(), "Should find only one doc"); t.dropIndex({ i : 1 }); assert.eq(1, t.find({i:1}).count(), "Should find only one doc"); join1(); join2();