// Test sorting with dups and multiple candidate query plans. t = db.jstests_sortd; function checkNumSorted( n, query ) { docs = query.toArray(); assert.eq( n, docs.length ); for( i = 1; i < docs.length; ++i ) { assert.lte( docs[ i-1 ].a, docs[ i ].a ); } } // Test results added by ordered and unordered plans, unordered plan finishes. t.drop(); t.save( {a:[1,2,3,4,5]} ); t.save( {a:10} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); assert.eq( 2, t.find( {a:{$gt:0}} ).sort( {a:1} ).itcount() ); assert.eq( 2, t.find( {a:{$gt:0},b:null} ).sort( {a:1} ).itcount() ); // Test results added by ordered and unordered plans, ordered plan finishes. t.drop(); t.save( {a:1} ); t.save( {a:10} ); for( i = 2; i <= 9; ++i ) { t.save( {a:i} ); } for( i = 0; i < 30; ++i ) { t.save( {a:100} ); } t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); checkNumSorted( 10, t.find( {a:{$gte:0,$lte:10}} ).sort( {a:1} ) ); checkNumSorted( 10, t.find( {a:{$gte:0,$lte:10},b:null} ).sort( {a:1} ) ); // Test results added by ordered and unordered plans, ordered plan finishes and continues with getmore. t.drop(); t.save( {a:1} ); t.save( {a:200} ); for( i = 2; i <= 199; ++i ) { t.save( {a:i} ); } for( i = 0; i < 30; ++i ) { t.save( {a:2000} ); } t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); checkNumSorted( 200, t.find( {a:{$gte:0,$lte:200}} ).sort( {a:1} ) ); checkNumSorted( 200, t.find( {a:{$gte:0,$lte:200},b:null} ).sort( {a:1} ) ); // Test results added by ordered and unordered plans, with unordered results excluded during // getmore. t.drop(); for( i = 399; i >= 0; --i ) { t.save( {a:i} ); } t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); checkNumSorted( 400, t.find( {a:{$gte:0,$lte:400},b:null} ).batchSize( 50 ).sort( {a:1} ) );