/* * Tests simultaneous upgrade from noauth/no-ssl to x509/requireSSL on a sharded cluster. * The purpose is to verify the connectivity between mongos, config server, and the shards * * NOTE: This test is similar to the mixed_mode_sharded_transition.js in the sslSpecial * test suite. This suite must use ssl so it cannot test modes without ssl. */ load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); (function() { 'use strict'; var transitionToX509AllowSSL = Object.merge(allowSSL, {transitionToAuth: '', clusterAuthMode: 'x509'}); var transitionToX509PreferSSL = Object.merge(preferSSL, {transitionToAuth: '', clusterAuthMode: 'x509'}); var x509RequireSSL = Object.merge(requireSSL, {clusterAuthMode: 'x509'}); function testCombos(opt1, opt2, shouldSucceed) { mixedShardTest(opt1, opt2, shouldSucceed); mixedShardTest(opt2, opt1, shouldSucceed); } print('=== Testing transitionToAuth/allowSSL - transitionToAuth/preferSSL cluster ==='); testCombos(transitionToX509AllowSSL, transitionToX509PreferSSL, true); print('=== Testing transitionToAuth/preferSSL - transitionToAuth/preferSSL cluster ==='); mixedShardTest(transitionToX509PreferSSL, transitionToX509PreferSSL, true); print('=== Testing transitionToAuth/preferSSL - x509/requireSSL cluster ==='); testCombos(transitionToX509PreferSSL, x509RequireSSL, true); }());