(function() { 'use strict'; if (_isWindows()) { runProgram( "certutil.exe", "-addstore", "-user", "-f", "CA", "jstests\\libs\\trusted-ca.pem"); } var replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: "ssltest", nodes: 1, nodeOptions: { sslMode: "requireSSL", sslPEMKeyFile: "jstests/libs/trusted-server.pem", }, host: "localhost", useHostName: false, }); replTest.startSet({ env: { SSL_CERT_FILE: 'jstests/libs/trusted-ca.pem', }, }); replTest.initiate(); var nodeList = replTest.nodeList().join(); var checkShellOkay = function(url) { // Should not be able to authenticate with x509. // Authenticate call will return 1 on success, 0 on error. var argv = ['./mongo', url, '--eval', ('db.runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1})')]; if (!_isWindows()) { // On Linux we override the default path to the system CA store to point to our // "trusted" CA. On Windows, this CA will have been added to the user's trusted CA list argv.unshift("env", "SSL_CERT_FILE=jstests/libs/trusted-ca.pem"); } return runMongoProgram(...argv); }; var noMentionSSLURL = `mongodb://${nodeList}/admin?replicaSet=${replTest.name}`; jsTestLog(`Replica set url (doesn't mention SSL): ${noMentionSSLURL}`); assert.neq(checkShellOkay(noMentionSSLURL), 0, "shell correctly failed to connect without SSL"); var useSSLURL = `mongodb://${nodeList}/admin?replicaSet=${replTest.name}&ssl=true`; jsTestLog(`Replica set url (uses SSL): ${useSSLURL}`); assert.eq(checkShellOkay(useSSLURL), 0, "successfully connected with SSL"); var disableSSLURL = `mongodb://${nodeList}/admin?replicaSet=${replTest.name}&ssl=false`; jsTestLog(`Replica set url (doesnt use SSL): ${disableSSLURL}`); assert.neq(checkShellOkay(disableSSLURL), 0, "shell correctly failed to connect without SSL"); replTest.stopSet(); })();