/* * Tests that SNI names are advertised if and only if they are a URL, and NOT an IP address. */ (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); // Checking index consistency involves reconnecting to the mongos. TestData.skipCheckingIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster = true; TestData.skipCheckOrphans = true; let path = "jstests/libs/"; let pemKeyFile = path + "server.pem"; let caFile = path + "ca.pem"; let testURL = "local.10gen.cc"; let testIP = ""; let params = { tlsCertificateKeyFile: pemKeyFile, tlsCAFile: caFile, tlsMode: "preferTLS", bind_ip: testURL, tlsAllowInvalidCertificates: "" }; /* we will have two test server configurations: one that is bound to a URL, and one that is bound to * an IP address * The bind_ip here is only to confirm that mongod and the shell are on the same page. bind_ip is * not what is used for testing SNI advertisement. That is the name supplied to the shell. */ let ipParams = Object.merge(params, {bind_ip: testIP}); let urlParams = params; // returns the result of command "whatsmysni" from a regular mongod function getSNI(params) { let mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(params); let m = new Mongo(params.bind_ip + ":" + mongod.port); let db = m.getDB("admin"); const sni = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({whatsmysni: 1}))["sni"]; MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); return sni; } // returns the result of command "whatsmysni" performed between nodes of a sharded cluster function getSNISharded(params) { let s = new ShardingTest({ name: "shard", shards: 2, useHostname: true, host: params.bind_ip, other: {configOptions: params, mongosOptions: params, shardOptions: params} }); let db = s.getDB("admin"); // sort of have to fish out the value from deep within the output of multicast const multicastData = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({multicast: {whatsmysni: 1}}))["hosts"]; const hostName = Object.keys(multicastData)[0]; const sni = multicastData[hostName]["data"]["sni"]; s.stop(); return sni; } jsTestLog("Testing mongod bound to host " + testURL); assert.eq(testURL, getSNI(urlParams), "Hostname is not advertised as SNI name in basic mongod"); jsTestLog("Testing sharded configuration bound to host " + testURL); assert.eq( testURL, getSNISharded(urlParams), "Hostname is not advertised as SNI name in sharded mongod"); // apple's TLS stack does not allow us to selectively remove SNI names, so IP addresses are // still advertised const desiredOutput = determineSSLProvider() === "apple" ? testIP : false; jsTestLog("Testing mongod bound to IP " + testIP); assert.eq(desiredOutput, getSNI(ipParams), "IP address is advertised as SNI name in basic mongod"); jsTestLog("Testing sharded configuration bound to IP " + testIP); assert.eq(desiredOutput, getSNISharded(ipParams), "IP address is advertised as SNI name in sharded mongod"); })();