// Test that the server supports ECDHE and DHE tls cipher suites. load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); (function() { "use strict"; // Need to use toolchain python, which is unsupported on Windows if (_isWindows()) { return; } // Amazon linux does not currently support ECDHE const EXCLUDED_BUILDS = ['amazon', 'amzn64']; const SERVER_CERT = "jstests/libs/server.pem"; const OUTFILE = 'jstests/ssl/ciphers.json'; const suites = [ 'sslv2', 'sslv3', 'tls1', 'tls1_1', 'tls1_2', ]; const x509_options = { tlsMode: 'requireTLS', tlsCAFile: CA_CERT, tlsCertificateKeyFile: SERVER_CERT, ipv6: "", bind_ip_all: "" }; const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod(x509_options); // Use new toolchain python, if it exists let python_binary = '/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/python3'; if (runProgram('/bin/sh', '-c', 'ls ' + python_binary) !== 0) { python_binary = '/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python3'; } // Run the tls cipher suite enumerator const python = '/usr/bin/env ' + python_binary; const enumerator = " jstests/ssl/tls_enumerator.py "; const python_command = python + enumerator + '--port=' + mongod.port + ' --cafile=' + CA_CERT + ' --cert=' + CLIENT_CERT + ' --outfile=' + OUTFILE; assert.eq(runProgram('/bin/sh', '-c', python_command), 0); // Parse its output let cipherDict = {}; try { cipherDict = JSON.parse(cat(OUTFILE)); } catch (e) { jsTestLog("Failed to parse ciphers.json"); throw e; } finally { const delete_command = 'rm ' + OUTFILE; assert.eq(runProgram('/bin/sh', '-c', delete_command), 0); } // Checking that SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLS 1.0 are not accepted suites.slice(0, suites.indexOf('tls1')) .forEach(tlsVersion => assert(cipherDict[tlsVersion].length === 0)); let hasECDHE = false; let hasDHE = false; // Printing TLS 1.1 and 1.2 suites that are accepted suites.slice(suites.indexOf('tls1_1')).forEach(tlsVersion => { print('*************************\n' + tlsVersion + ": "); cipherDict[tlsVersion].forEach(cipher => { print(cipher); if (cipher.startsWith('ECDHE')) { hasECDHE = true; } if (cipher.startsWith('DHE')) { hasDHE = true; } }); }); // All platforms except Amazon Linux 1 should support ECDHE and DHE if (!EXCLUDED_BUILDS.includes(buildInfo().buildEnvironment.distmod)) { assert(hasECDHE, 'Supports at least one ECDHE cipher suite'); // Secure Transport disallows DHE, so we don't require it on those platforms if (determineSSLProvider() !== 'apple') { assert(hasDHE, 'Supports at least one DHE cipher suite'); } } // If ECDHE is enabled, DHE should be too (for Java 7 compat) if (determineSSLProvider() !== 'apple') { assert(hasDHE === hasECDHE, 'Supports both ECDHE and DHE or neither'); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); }());