// Ensure that TLS version alerts are correctly propagated load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); (function() { 'use strict'; const clientOptions = [ "--ssl", "--sslPEMKeyFile", "jstests/libs/client.pem", "--sslCAFile", "jstests/libs/ca.pem", "--eval", ";" ]; function runTest(serverDisabledProtos, clientDisabledProtos) { const implementation = determineSSLProvider(); let expectedRegex; if (implementation === "openssl") { expectedRegex = /Error: couldn't connect to server .*:[0-9]*, connection attempt failed: SocketException: tlsv1 alert protocol version/; // OpenSSL does not send alerts and TLS 1.3 is too difficult to identify as incompatible // because it shows up in a TLS extension. if (!sslProviderSupportsTLS1_1()) { expectedRegex = /Error: couldn't connect to server .*:[0-9]*, connection attempt failed: SocketException: stream truncated/; } } else if (implementation === "windows") { expectedRegex = /Error: couldn't connect to server .*:[0-9]*, connection attempt failed: SocketException: The function requested is not supported/; } else if (implementation === "apple") { expectedRegex = /Error: couldn't connect to server .*:[0-9]*, connection attempt failed: SocketException: Secure.Transport: bad protocol version/; } else { throw Error("Unrecognized TLS implementation!"); } var md = MongoRunner.runMongod({ sslMode: "requireSSL", sslCAFile: "jstests/libs/ca.pem", sslPEMKeyFile: "jstests/libs/server.pem", sslDisabledProtocols: serverDisabledProtos, }); let shell; let mongoOutput; assert.soon(function() { clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); shell = runMongoProgram("mongo", "--port", md.port, ...clientOptions, "--sslDisabledProtocols", clientDisabledProtos); mongoOutput = rawMongoProgramOutput(); return mongoOutput.match(expectedRegex); }, "Mongo shell output was as follows:\n" + mongoOutput + "\n************", 60 * 1000); MongoRunner.stopMongod(md); } // Client receives and reports a protocol version alert if it advertises a protocol older than // the server's oldest supported protocol if (!sslProviderSupportsTLS1_1()) { // On platforms that disable TLS 1.1, assume they have TLS 1.3 for this test. runTest("TLS1_2", "TLS1_3"); } else { runTest("TLS1_0", "TLS1_1,TLS1_2"); } }());