/** * Validate that the shell can load certificates from the certificate store and connect to the * server. */ load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); requireSSLProvider('windows', function() { 'use strict'; if (_isWindows()) { // SChannel backed follows Windows rules and only trusts Root in LocalMachine runProgram("certutil.exe", "-addstore", "-f", "Root", "jstests\\libs\\trusted-ca.pem"); // Import a pfx file since it contains both a cert and private key and is easy to import // via command line. runProgram("certutil.exe", "-importpfx", "-f", "-p", "qwerty", "jstests\\libs\\trusted-client.pfx"); } const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( {sslMode: 'requireSSL', sslPEMKeyFile: "jstests\\libs\\trusted-server.pem"}); const testWithCert = function(certSelector) { jsTest.log(`Testing with SSL cert ${certSelector}`); const argv = [ './mongo', '--ssl', '--sslCertificateSelector', certSelector, '--port', conn.port, '--eval', 'db.runCommand({buildInfo: 1})' ]; const exitStatus = runMongoProgram.apply(null, argv); assert.eq(exitStatus, 0, "successfully connected with SSL"); }; assert.doesNotThrow(function() { try { // trusted-client.pfx testWithCert("thumbprint=6AE38B35F4551B6BDCDB89AFABE0B277046F2735"); } catch (e) { // Transitional: Pre Oct-2019 trusted-client.pfx testWithCert("thumbprint=9ca511552f14d3fc2009d425873599bf77832238"); } }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { testWithCert("subject=Trusted Kernel Test Client"); }); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); });