import ssl import socket import json import argparse exception_ciphers = {} def enumerate_tls_ciphers(protocol_options, host, port, cert, cafile): root_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) root_context.options |= protocol_options root_context.set_ciphers('ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:-PSK:-SRP') ciphers = {cipher['name'] for cipher in root_context.get_ciphers()} accepted_ciphers = [] for cipher_name in ciphers: context = ssl.SSLContext(root_context.protocol) try: context.set_ciphers(cipher_name) except ssl.SSLError as error: exception_ciphers[cipher_name] = str(error) context.options = root_context.options context.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile) context.load_cert_chain(certfile=cert) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET) as sock: with context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host) as conn: try: conn.connect((host, port)) except Exception as e: continue accepted_ciphers.append(cipher_name) return sorted(accepted_ciphers) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MongoDB TLS Cipher Suite Enumerator') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=27017, help='Port to connect to') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', type=str, default='ciphers.json', help='file to write the output to') parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, default='localhost', help='host to connect to') parser.add_argument('--cafile', type=str, help='Path to CA certificate') parser.add_argument('--cert', type=str, help='Path to client certificate') args = parser.parse_args() # MacOS version of the toolchain does not have python linked with OpenSSL 1.1.1 yet, so we monkey patch this in here if not hasattr(ssl, 'OP_NO_TLSv1_3'): ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_3 = 0 exclude_ops = { ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2, ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3, ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1, ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1, ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_2, ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_3, } def exclude_except(op): option = 0 for other_op in exclude_ops - {op}: option |= other_op return option suites = { 'sslv2': exclude_except(ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2), 'sslv3': exclude_except(ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3), 'tls1': exclude_except(ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1), 'tls1_1': exclude_except(ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1), 'tls1_2': exclude_except(ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_2), } results = { key: enumerate_tls_ciphers(protocol_options=proto,, port=args.port, cafile=args.cafile, cert=args.cert) for key, proto in suites.items() } if exception_ciphers: print("System could not process the following ciphers") for cipher, error in exception_ciphers.items(): print(cipher + '\tError: ' + error) with open(args.outfile, 'w+') as outfile: json.dump(results, outfile)