// Test for startuo warning when X509 auth and sslAllowInvalidCertificates are enabled (function() { 'use strict'; function runTest(checkMongos, opts, expectWarningCertifcates, expectWarningHostnames) { clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); let mongo; if (checkMongos) { mongo = MongoRunner.runMongos(Object.assign({ configdb: "fakeRS/localhost:27017", waitForConnect: false, }, opts)); } else { mongo = MongoRunner.runMongod(Object.assign({ auth: '', sslMode: 'preferSSL', sslPEMKeyFile: 'jstests/libs/server.pem', sslCAFile: 'jstests/libs/ca.pem', waitForConnect: false, }, opts)); } assert.soon(function() { const output = rawMongoProgramOutput(); return ( expectWarningCertifcates == output.includes('WARNING: While invalid X509 certificates may be used') && expectWarningHostnames == output.includes('WARNING: This server will not perform X.509 hostname validation')); }); stopMongoProgramByPid(mongo.pid); } function runTests(checkMongos) { // Don't expect a warning for certificates and hostnames when we're not using both options // together. runTest(checkMongos, {}, false, false); // Do expect a warning for certificates when we're combining options. runTest(checkMongos, {sslAllowInvalidCertificates: ''}, true, false); // Do expect a warning for hostnames. runTest(checkMongos, {sslAllowInvalidHostnames: ''}, false, true); // Do expect a warning for certificates and hostnames. runTest( checkMongos, {sslAllowInvalidCertificates: '', sslAllowInvalidHostnames: ''}, true, true); } // Run tests on mongos runTests(true); // Run tests on mongod runTests(false); })();