/** * This test checks the upgrade path from noauth/nossl to x509/requireSSL. * * NOTE: This test uses ssl communication and therefore cannot test modes that * do not allow ssl. The first step in the full upgrade process is to restart * the each node into the "transitionToX509AllowSSL" state and is tested in * the sslSpecial directory. * * This test requires users and data to persist across a restart. * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; (function() { 'use strict'; var dbName = 'upgradeToX509'; var transitionToX509AllowSSL = Object.merge(allowSSL, {transitionToAuth: '', clusterAuthMode: 'x509'}); // Undefine the flags we're replacing, otherwise upgradeSet will keep old values. var x509RequireSSL = Object.merge(requireSSL, {transitionToAuth: undefined, clusterAuthMode: 'x509'}); var rst = new ReplSetTest({name: 'noauthSet', nodes: 3, nodeOptions: transitionToX509AllowSSL}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); var rstConn1 = rst.getPrimary(); var testDB = rstConn1.getDB(dbName); // Create a user to login when auth is enabled later assert.commandWorked(rstConn1.adminCommand( {createUser: 'root', pwd: 'root', roles: ['root'], writeConcern: {w: 3}})); assert.commandWorked(testDB.a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'})); assert.eq(1, testDB.a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet'); print('=== UPGRADE transition to x509/allowSSL -> transition to x509/preferSSL ==='); rst.nodes.forEach(function(node) { assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, sslMode: "preferSSL"})); }); rst.awaitSecondaryNodes(); testDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(testDB.a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'})); assert.eq(2, testDB.a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet'); print('=== UPGRADE transition to x509/preferSSL -> x509/requireSSL ==='); // Pre-logout so that upgradeSet() can authenticate for itself. rst.nodes.forEach((node) => node.getDB('admin').logout()); rst.upgradeSet(x509RequireSSL, 'root', 'root'); // Reauth and commit one last write. const finalPrimary = rst.getPrimary(); assert(finalPrimary.getDB('admin').auth('root', 'root')); testDB = finalPrimary.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(testDB.a.insert({a: 1, str: 'TESTTESTTEST'})); assert.eq(3, testDB.a.count(), 'Error interacting with replSet'); rst.stopSet(); }());