// dumpauth.js // test mongodump with authentication var m = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", bind_ip: ""}); var dbName = "admin" var colName = "testcol" var profileName = "system.profile" var dumpDir = MongoRunner.dataPath + "jstests_tool_dumprestore_dump_system_profile/"; db = m.getDB(dbName); db.createUser({user: "testuser" , pwd: "testuser", roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); assert( db.auth( "testuser" , "testuser" ) , "auth failed" ); t = db[colName]; t.drop(); profile = db[profileName]; profile.drop(); // Activate profiling, to ensure that system.profile can be dumped with the backup role db.setProfilingLevel(2); // Populate the database for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { t.save({ "x": i }); } assert.gt(profile.count(), 0, "admin.system.profile should have documents"); assert.eq(t.count(), 100, "testcol should have documents"); // Create a user with backup permissions db.createUser({user: "backup" , pwd: "password", roles: ["backup"]}); // Backup the database with the backup user x = runMongoProgram( "mongodump", "--db", dbName, "--out", dumpDir, "--authenticationDatabase=admin", "-u", "backup", "-p", "password", "-h", ""+m.port); assert.eq(x, 0, "mongodump should succeed with authentication"); // Assert that a BSON document for admin.system.profile has been produced x = runMongoProgram( "bsondump", dumpDir + "/" + dbName + "/" + profileName + ".bson" ); assert.eq(x, 0, "bsondump should succeed parsing the profile data");