// dumprestore1.js t = new ToolTest("dumprestore1"); c = t.startDB("foo"); assert.eq(0, c.count(), "setup1"); c.save({a: 22}); assert.eq(1, c.count(), "setup2"); t.runTool("dump", "--out", t.ext); c.drop(); assert.eq(0, c.count(), "after drop"); t.runTool("restore", "--dir", t.ext); assert.soon("c.findOne()", "no data after sleep"); assert.eq(1, c.count(), "after restore 2"); assert.eq(22, c.findOne().a, "after restore 2"); // ensure that --collection is used with --db. See SERVER-7721 var ret = t.runTool("dump", "--collection", "col"); assert.neq(ret, 0, "mongodump should return failure code"); t.stop(); // Ensure that --db and --collection are provided when filename is "-" (stdin). ret = t.runTool("restore", "--collection", "coll", "--dir", "-"); assert.neq(ret, 0, "mongorestore should return failure code"); t.stop(); ret = t.runTool("restore", "--db", "db", "--dir", "-"); assert.neq(ret, 0, "mongorestore should return failure code"); t.stop();