// simple test to ensure write concern functions as expected var name = "dumprestore10"; function step(msg) { msg = msg || ""; this.x = (this.x || 0) + 1; print('\n' + name + ".js step " + this.x + ' ' + msg); } step(); var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 2}); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var master = replTest.getPrimary(); var total = 1000; { step("store data"); var foo = master.getDB("foo"); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { foo.bar.insert({x: i, y: "abc"}); } } { step("wait"); replTest.awaitReplication(); } step("mongodump from replset"); var data = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/dumprestore10-dump1/"; var exitCode = MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongodump", { host: "" + master.port, out: data, }); assert.eq(0, exitCode, "mongodump failed to dump data from the replica set"); { step("remove data after dumping"); master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").drop(); } { step("wait"); replTest.awaitReplication(); } step("try mongorestore with write concern"); exitCode = MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongorestore", { writeConcern: "2", host: "" + master.port, dir: data, }); assert.eq( 0, exitCode, "mongorestore failed to restore the data to a replica set while using w=2 writes"); var x = 0; // no waiting for replication x = master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(); assert.eq(x, total, "mongorestore should have successfully restored the collection"); step("stopSet"); replTest.stopSet(); step("SUCCESS");