// dumprestore2.js t = new ToolTest( "dumprestore2" ); c = t.startDB( "foo" ); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "setup1" ); c.save( { a : 22 } ); assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "setup2" ); t.stop(); // SERVER-2501 on Windows the mongod may still be running at this point, so we wait for it to stop. sleep( 5000 ); t.runTool( "dump" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--out" , t.ext ); resetDbpath( t.dbpath ); assert.eq( 0 , listFiles( t.dbpath ).length , "clear" ); t.runTool( "restore" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--dir" , t.ext ); listFiles( t.dbpath ).forEach( printjson ) c = t.startDB( "foo" ); assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "no data after startup" ); assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "after restore 2" ); assert.eq( 22 , c.findOne().a , "after restore 2" ); t.stop();