// dumprestore4.js -- see SERVER-2186 // The point of this test is to ensure that mongorestore successfully // constructs indexes when the database being restored into has a // different name than the database dumped from. There are 2 // issues here: (1) if you dumped from database "A" and restore into // database "B", B should have exactly the right indexes; (2) if for // some reason you have another database called "A" at the time of the // restore, mongorestore shouldn't touch it. t = new ToolTest( "dumprestore4" ); c = t.startDB( "dumprestore4" ); db=t.db dbname = db.getName(); dbname2 = "NOT_"+dbname; db2=db.getSisterDB( dbname2 ); db.dropDatabase(); // make sure it's empty db2.dropDatabase(); // make sure everybody's empty assert.eq( 0 , db.system.indexes.count() , "setup1" ); c.ensureIndex({ x : 1} ); assert.eq( 2 , db.system.indexes.count() , "setup2" ); // _id and x_1 assert.eq( 0, t.runTool( "dump" , "-d" , dbname, "--out", t.ext ), "dump") // to ensure issue (2), we have to clear out the first db. // By inspection, db.dropIndexes() doesn't get rid of the _id index on c, // so we have to drop the collection. c.drop(); assert.eq( 0, t.runTool( "restore" , "--dir" , t.ext + "/" + dbname, "-d", dbname2 ), "restore" ); // issue (1) assert.eq( 2 , db2.system.indexes.count() , "after restore 1" ); // issue (2) assert.eq( 0 , db.system.indexes.count() , "after restore 2" ); t.stop();