// Test restoring from a dump with v:0 indexes. // mongodump strips the 'v' property from the index specification by default. When using // --keepIndexVersion, the 'v' property is not stripped, but index creation will fail. var toolTest = new ToolTest("dumprestore6"); var col = toolTest.startDB("foo"); var testDb = toolTest.db; assert.eq(0, col.count(), "setup1"); // Normal restore should succeed and convert v:1 index. toolTest.runTool( "restore", "--dir", "jstests/tool/data/dumprestore6", "--db", "jstests_tool_dumprestore6"); assert.soon("col.findOne()", "no data after sleep"); assert.eq(1, col.count(), "after restore"); var indexes = col.getIndexes(); assert.eq(2, indexes.length, "there aren't the correct number of indexes"); // Try with --keepIndexVersion, should fail to restore v:0 index. testDb.dropDatabase(); assert.eq(0, col.count(), "after drop"); toolTest.runTool("restore", "--dir", "jstests/tool/data/dumprestore6", "--db", "jstests_tool_dumprestore6", "--keepIndexVersion"); indexes = col.getIndexes(); assert.eq(1, indexes.length, "there aren't the correct number of indexes"); toolTest.stop();