var name = "dumprestore7"; function step(msg) { msg = msg || ""; this.x = (this.x || 0) + 1; print('\n' + name + ".js step " + this.x + ' ' + msg); } step(); var replTest = new ReplSetTest( {name: name, nodes: 1} ); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var master = replTest.getMaster(); { step("first chunk of data"); var foo = master.getDB("foo"); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {{ x: i, y: "abc" }); } } { step("wait"); replTest.awaitReplication(); var time = replTest.getMaster().getDB("local").getCollection("").find().limit(1).sort({$natural:-1}).next(); step(time.ts.t); } { step("second chunk of data"); var foo = master.getDB("foo"); for (i = 30; i < 50; i++) {{ x: i, y: "abc" }); } } { var port = 30020; var conn = startMongodTest(port, name + "-other"); } step("try mongodump with $timestamp"); var data = "/data/db/dumprestore7-dump1/"; // We need to divide by 1000 here because the JSON parser interprets the first field of timestamps // as seconds while the shell interprets them as milliseconds. See SERVER-7718. var query = "{\"ts\":{\"$gt\":{\"$timestamp\" : {\"t\":"+ time.ts.t / 1000 + ",\"i\":" + time.ts.i +" }}}}"; runMongoProgram( "mongodump", "--host", ""+replTest.ports[0], "--db", "local", "--collection", "", "--query", query, "--out", data ); step("try mongorestore from $timestamp"); runMongoProgram( "mongorestore", "--host", ""+port, "--dir", data ); var x = 9; x = conn.getDB("local").getCollection("").count(); assert.eq(x, 20, "mongorestore should only have the latter 20 entries"); step("stopSet"); replTest.stopSet(); step("SUCCESS");