// Test disabled until SERVER-3853 is finished if (0) { (function() { var name = "dumprestore9"; function step(msg) { msg = msg || ""; this.x = (this.x || 0) + 1; print('\n' + name + ".js step " + this.x + ' ' + msg); } var s = new ShardingTest({ name: "dumprestore9a", shards: 2, mongos: 3, other: {chunkSize: 1, enableBalancer: 1} }); step("Shard collection"); s.adminCommand({ enablesharding: "aaa" }); // Make this db alphabetically before 'config' so it gets restored first s.ensurePrimaryShard('aaa', 'shard0001'); s.adminCommand({shardcollection: "aaa.foo", key: {x: 1}}); db = s.getDB("aaa"); coll = db.foo; step("insert data"); str = 'a'; while (str.length < 1024 * 512) { str += str; } numDocs = 20; for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { coll.insert({x: i, str: str}); } step("Wait for balancing"); assert.soon(function() { var x = s.chunkDiff("foo", "aaa"); print("chunk diff: " + x); return x < 2; }, "no balance happened", 8 * 60 * 1000, 2000); assert.eq(numDocs, coll.count(), "Documents weren't inserted correctly"); step("dump cluster"); dumpdir = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/dumprestore9-dump1/"; resetDbpath(dumpdir); runMongoProgram("mongodump", "--host", s._mongos[0].host, "--out", dumpdir); step("Shutting down cluster"); s.stop(); step("Starting up clean cluster"); s = new ShardingTest({name: "dumprestore9b", shards: 2, mongos: 3, other: {chunkSize: 1}}); db = s.getDB("aaa"); coll = db.foo; assert.eq(0, coll.count(), "Data wasn't cleaned up by restarting sharding test"); step("Restore data and config"); runMongoProgram("mongorestore", dumpdir, "--host", s._mongos[1].host, "--restoreShardingConfig", "--forceConfigRestore"); config = s.getDB("config"); assert(config.databases.findOne({_id: 'aaa'}).partitioned, "Config data wasn't restored properly"); assert(s.chunkDiff("foo", "aaa") < 2, "Chunk data wasn't restored properly"); assert.eq(numDocs, coll.count(), "Didn't restore all documents properly2"); assert.eq(numDocs, coll.find().itcount(), "Didn't restore all documents properly"); for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { doc = coll.findOne({x: i}); assert.eq(i, doc.x, "Doc missing from the shard it should be on"); } for (var i = 0; i < s._connections.length; i++) { assert(s._connections[i].getDB("aaa").foo.count() > 0, "No data on shard: " + s._connections[i].host); } step("Stop cluster"); s.stop(); step("SUCCESS"); })(); }