// SERVER-6366 // relates to SERVER-808 // // This file tests that options are not restored upon // mongorestore with --noOptionsRestore // // It checks that this works both when doing a full // database dump/restore and when doing it just for a // single db or collection. t = new ToolTest("dumprestoreWithNoOptions"); t.startDB("foo"); db = t.db; // We turn this off to prevent the server from touching the 'options' field in system.namespaces. // This is important because we check exact values of the 'options' field in this test. db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, newCollectionsUsePowerOf2Sizes: false}); dbname = db.getName(); dbname2 = "NOT_" + dbname; db.dropDatabase(); var defaultFlags = {}; var options = {capped: true, size: 4096, autoIndexId: true}; db.createCollection('capped', options); assert.eq(1, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "auto index not created"); var cappedOptions = db.capped.exists().options; for (var opt in options) { assert.eq(options[opt], cappedOptions[opt], 'invalid option:' + tojson(options) + " " + tojson(cappedOptions)); } assert.writeOK(db.capped.insert({x: 1})); // Full dump/restore t.runTool("dump", "--out", t.ext); db.dropDatabase(); assert.eq(0, db.capped.count(), "capped not dropped"); assert.eq(0, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "indexes not dropped"); t.runTool("restore", "--dir", t.ext, "--noOptionsRestore"); assert.eq(1, db.capped.count(), "wrong number of docs restored to capped"); assert(true !== db.capped.stats().capped, "restore options were not ignored"); assert.eq(defaultFlags, db.capped.exists().options, "restore options not ignored: " + tojson(db.capped.exists())); // Dump/restore single DB db.dropDatabase(); var options = {capped: true, size: 4096, autoIndexId: true}; db.createCollection('capped', options); assert.eq(1, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "auto index not created"); var cappedOptions = db.capped.exists().options; for (var opt in options) { assert.eq(options[opt], cappedOptions[opt], 'invalid option'); } assert.writeOK(db.capped.insert({x: 1})); dumppath = t.ext + "noOptionsSingleDump/"; mkdir(dumppath); t.runTool("dump", "-d", dbname, "--out", dumppath); db.dropDatabase(); assert.eq(0, db.capped.count(), "capped not dropped"); assert.eq(0, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "indexes not dropped"); t.runTool("restore", "-d", dbname2, "--dir", dumppath + dbname, "--noOptionsRestore"); db = db.getSiblingDB(dbname2); assert.eq(1, db.capped.count(), "wrong number of docs restored to capped"); assert(true !== db.capped.stats().capped, "restore options were not ignored"); assert.eq(defaultFlags, db.capped.exists().options, "restore options not ignored: " + tojson(db.capped.exists())); // Dump/restore single collection db.dropDatabase(); var options = {capped: true, size: 4096, autoIndexId: true}; db.createCollection('capped', options); assert.eq(1, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "auto index not created"); var cappedOptions = db.capped.exists().options; for (var opt in options) { assert.eq(options[opt], cappedOptions[opt], 'invalid option'); } assert.writeOK(db.capped.insert({x: 1})); dumppath = t.ext + "noOptionsSingleColDump/"; mkdir(dumppath); dbname = db.getName(); t.runTool("dump", "-d", dbname, "-c", "capped", "--out", dumppath); db.dropDatabase(); assert.eq(0, db.capped.count(), "capped not dropped"); assert.eq(0, db.capped.getIndexes().length, "indexes not dropped"); t.runTool("restore", "-d", dbname, "--drop", "--noOptionsRestore", dumppath + dbname); db = db.getSiblingDB(dbname); assert.eq(1, db.capped.count(), "wrong number of docs restored to capped"); assert(true !== db.capped.stats().capped, "restore options were not ignored"); assert.eq(defaultFlags, db.capped.exists().options, "restore options not ignored: " + tojson(db.capped.exists())); t.stop();