// exportimport6.js // test export with skip, limit and sort t = new ToolTest("exportimport6"); c = t.startDB("foo"); assert.eq(0, c.count(), "setup1"); c.save({a:1, b:1}) c.save({a:1, b:2}) c.save({a:2, b:3}) c.save({a:2, b:3}) c.save({a:3, b:4}) c.save({a:3, b:5}) assert.eq(6, c.count(), "setup2"); t.runTool("export", "--out", t.extFile, "-d", t.baseName, "-c", "foo", "--sort", "{a:1, b:-1}", "--skip", "4", "--limit", "1"); c.drop(); assert.eq(0, c.count(), "after drop", "-d", t.baseName, "-c", "foo"); t.runTool("import", "--file", t.extFile, "-d", t.baseName, "-c", "foo"); assert.eq(1, c.count(), "count should be 1"); assert.eq(5, c.findOne().b, printjson(c.findOne())); t.stop();