// Test importing collections represented as a single line array above the maximum document size var tt = new ToolTest('exportimport_bigarray_test'); var exportimport_db = tt.startDB(); var src = exportimport_db.src; var dst = exportimport_db.dst; src.drop(); dst.drop(); // Calculate the number of documents it takes to get above 16MB (here using 20MB just to be safe) var bigString = new Array(1025).toString(); var doc = {_id: new ObjectId(), x:bigString}; var docSize = Object.bsonsize(doc); var numDocs = Math.floor(20*1024*1024 / docSize); print('Size of one document: ' + docSize) print('Number of documents to exceed maximum BSON size: ' + numDocs) print('About to insert ' + numDocs + ' documents into ' + exportimport_db.getName() + '.' + src.getName()); var i; var bulk = src.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { bulk.insert({ x: bigString }); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); data = 'data/exportimport_array_test.json'; print('About to call mongoexport on: ' + exportimport_db.getName() + '.' + src.getName() + ' with file: ' + data); tt.runTool('export', '--out' , data, '-d', exportimport_db.getName(), '-c', src.getName(), '--jsonArray'); print('About to call mongoimport on: ' + exportimport_db.getName() + '.' + dst.getName() + ' with file: ' + data); tt.runTool('import', '--file', data, '-d', exportimport_db.getName(), '-c', dst.getName(), '--jsonArray'); print('About to verify that source and destination collections match'); src_cursor = src.find().sort({ _id : 1 }); dst_cursor = dst.find().sort({ _id : 1 }); var documentCount = 0; while (src_cursor.hasNext()) { assert(dst_cursor.hasNext(), 'Source has more documents than destination. ' + 'Destination has ' + documentCount + ' documents.'); assert.eq(src_cursor.next(), dst_cursor.next(), 'Mismatch on document ' + documentCount); ++documentCount; } assert(!dst_cursor.hasNext(), 'Destination has more documents than source. ' + 'Source has ' + documentCount + ' documents.'); print('Verified that source and destination collections match');