/* SERVER-4972 * Test for mongorestore on server with --auth allows restore without credentials of colls * with no index */ /* * 1) Start mongo without auth. * 2) Write to collection * 3) Take dump of the collection using mongodump. * 4) Drop the collection. * 5) Stop mongod from step 1. * 6) Restart mongod with auth. * 7) Add admin user to kick authentication * 8) Try restore without auth credentials. The restore should fail * 9) Try restore with correct auth credentials. The restore should succeed this time. */ baseName = "jstests_restorewithauth"; var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({nojournal: "", bind_ip: ""}); // write to ns foo.bar var foo = conn.getDB( "foo" ); for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { foo["bar"].save( { "x": i } ); foo["baz"].save({"x": i}); } // make sure the collection exists var collNames = foo.getCollectionNames(); assert.neq(-1, collNames.indexOf("bar"), "bar collection doesn't exist"); //make sure it has no index except _id assert.eq(foo.bar.getIndexes().length, 1); assert.eq(foo.baz.getIndexes().length, 1); foo.bar.createIndex({x:1}); assert.eq(foo.bar.getIndexes().length, 2); assert.eq(foo.baz.getIndexes().length, 1); // get data dump var dumpdir = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/restorewithauth-dump1/"; resetDbpath( dumpdir ); x = runMongoProgram("mongodump", "--db", "foo", "-h", ""+ conn.port, "--out", dumpdir); // now drop the db foo.dropDatabase(); // stop mongod MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // start mongod with --auth conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", nojournal: "", bind_ip: ""}); // admin user var admin = conn.getDB( "admin" ) admin.createUser({user: "admin" , pwd: "admin", roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); admin.auth( "admin" , "admin" ); var foo = conn.getDB( "foo" ) // make sure no collection with the same name exists collNames = foo.getCollectionNames(); assert.eq(-1, collNames.indexOf("bar"), "bar collection already exists"); assert.eq(-1, collNames.indexOf("baz"), "baz collection already exists"); // now try to restore dump x = runMongoProgram( "mongorestore", "-h", "" + conn.port, "--dir" , dumpdir, "-vvvvv" ); // make sure that the collection isn't restored collNames = foo.getCollectionNames(); assert.eq(-1, collNames.indexOf("bar"), "bar collection was restored"); assert.eq(-1, collNames.indexOf("baz"), "baz collection was restored"); // now try to restore dump with correct credentials x = runMongoProgram( "mongorestore", "-h", "" + conn.port, "-d", "foo", "--authenticationDatabase=admin", "-u", "admin", "-p", "admin", "--dir", dumpdir + "foo/", "-vvvvv"); // make sure that the collection was restored collNames = foo.getCollectionNames(); assert.neq(-1, collNames.indexOf("bar"), "bar collection was not restored"); assert.neq(-1, collNames.indexOf("baz"), "baz collection was not restored"); // make sure the collection has 4 documents assert.eq(foo.bar.count(), 4); assert.eq(foo.baz.count(), 4); foo.dropDatabase(); foo.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); // now try to restore dump with foo database credentials x = runMongoProgram("mongorestore", "-h", "" + conn.port, "-d", "foo", "-u", "user", "-p", "password", "--dir", dumpdir + "foo/", "-vvvvv"); // make sure that the collection was restored collNames = foo.getCollectionNames(); assert.neq(-1, collNames.indexOf("bar"), "bar collection was not restored"); assert.neq(-1, collNames.indexOf("baz"), "baz collection was not restored"); assert.eq(foo.bar.count(), 4); assert.eq(foo.baz.count(), 4); assert.eq(foo.bar.getIndexes().length + foo.baz.getIndexes().length, 3); // _id on foo, _id on bar, x on foo MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);