// stat1.js // test mongostat with authentication SERVER-3875 baseName = "tool_stat1"; var m = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", bind_ip: ""}); db = m.getDB("admin"); db.createUser({user: "eliot", pwd: "eliot", roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); assert(db.auth("eliot", "eliot"), "auth failed"); var exitCode = MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongostat", { host: "" + m.port, username: "eliot", password: "eliot", rowcount: "1", authenticationDatabase: "admin", }); assert.eq(exitCode, 0, "mongostat should exit successfully with eliot:eliot"); exitCode = MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongostat", { host: "" + m.port, username: "eliot", password: "wrong", rowcount: "1", authenticationDatabase: "admin", }); assert.neq(exitCode, 0, "mongostat should exit with -1 with eliot:wrong");