/* * Test to ensure that (dump/restore/export/import/oplog) works with a replica set connection string * 1. Start a replica set. * 2. Add data to a collection. * 3. Take a dump of the database. * 4. Drop the db. * 5. Restore the db. * 6. Export a collection. * 7. Drop the collection. * 8. Import the collection. * 9. Add data to the oplog.rs collection. * 10. Ensure that the document doesn't exist yet. * 11. Now play the mongooplog tool. * 12. Make sure that the oplog was played */ // Load utility methods for replica set tests load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); print("starting the replica set") var replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: 'tool_replset', nodes: 2, oplogSize: 5 }); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var master = replTest.getMaster(); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { master.getDB("foo").bar.insert({ a: i }); } replTest.awaitReplication(); var replSetConnString = "tool_replset/" + replTest.ports[0] + "," + replTest.ports[1]; // Test with mongodump/mongorestore print("dump the db"); var data = "/data/db/tool_replset-dump1/"; runMongoProgram("mongodump", "--host", replSetConnString, "--out", data); print("db successfully dumped, dropping now"); master.getDB("foo").dropDatabase(); replTest.awaitReplication(); print("restore the db"); runMongoProgram("mongorestore", "--host", replSetConnString, "--dir", data); print("db successfully restored, checking count") var x = master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(); assert.eq(x, 100, "mongorestore should have successfully restored the collection"); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Test with mongoexport/mongoimport print("export the collection"); var extFile = "/data/db/tool_replset/export"; runMongoProgram("mongoexport", "--host", replSetConnString, "--out", extFile, "-d", "foo", "-c", "bar"); print("collection successfully exported, dropping now"); master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").drop(); replTest.awaitReplication(); print("import the collection"); runMongoProgram("mongoimport", "--host", replSetConnString, "--file", extFile, "-d", "foo", "-c", "bar"); var x = master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(); assert.eq(x, 100, "mongoimport should have successfully imported the collection"); // Test with mongooplog var doc = { _id : 5, x : 17 }; master.getDB("local").oplog.rs.insert({ ts : new Timestamp(), "op" : "i", "ns" : "foo.bar", "o" : doc }); assert.eq(100, master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(), "count before running mongooplog " + "was not 100 as expected"); runMongoProgram("mongooplog" , "--from", "" + replTest.ports[0], "--host", replSetConnString); print("running mongooplog to replay the oplog") assert.eq(101, master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(), "count after running mongooplog " + "was not 101 as expected") print("all tests successful, stopping replica set") replTest.stopSet(); print("replica set stopped, test complete")