asdf = db.getCollection( "asdf" ); asdf.drop(); var txt = "asdf"; for(var i=0; i<10; i++) { txt = txt + txt; } var iterations = _isWindows() ? 2500 : 5000 // fill db for(var i=1; i<=iterations; i++) { var obj = {txt : txt};; var obj2 = {txt: txt, comments: [{num: i, txt: txt}, {num: [], txt: txt}, {num: true, txt: txt}]}; asdf.update(obj, obj2); if(i%100 == 0) { var c = asdf.count(); assert.eq(c , i); } } assert(asdf.validate().valid); var stats = db.runCommand({ collstats: "asdf" }); // some checks. want to check that padding factor is working; in addition this lets us do a little basic // testing of the collstats command at the same time assert(stats.count == iterations); assert(stats.size < 140433012 * 5 && stats.size > 1000000); assert(stats.numExtents < 20); assert(stats.nindexes == 1); var pf = stats.paddingFactor; print("update.js padding factor: " + pf); assert(pf > 1.7 && pf < 2); asdf.drop();