// Test modifier operations on numerically equivalent string field names. SERVER-4776 t = db.jstests_updatek; t.drop(); t.save( { _id:0, '1':{}, '01':{} } ); t.update( {}, { $set:{ '1.b':1, '1.c':2 } } ); // make sure correct fields are set, with no duplicates // must use string comparison because V8 reorders fields that are numerical in objects assert.eq( "{ \"01\" : { }, \"1\" : { \"b\" : 1, \"c\" : 2 }, \"_id\" : 0 }", tojson(t.findOne()) ); t.drop(); t.save( { _id:0, '1':{}, '01':{} } ); t.update( {}, { $set:{ '1.b':1, '01.c':2 } } ); assert.eq( "{ \"01\" : { \"c\" : 2 }, \"1\" : { \"b\" : 1 }, \"_id\" : 0 }", tojson(t.findOne()) );