FlexeLint for C/C++ (Unix) Vers. 8.00x, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-2008 --- Module: ../btree/bt_alloc.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_bulk.c (C) _ memcmp(last_data, data->data, data->size) == 0) { ../btree/bt_bulk.c 164 Warning 530: Symbol 'last_repeat' (line 97) not initialized ../btree/bt_bulk.c 97 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ memcmp(last_data, data->data, data->size) == 0) { ../btree/bt_bulk.c 164 Warning 530: Symbol 'last_data' (line 98) not initialized ../btree/bt_bulk.c 98 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ WT_ITEM_DATA_DUP : WT_ITEM_DATA_DUP_OVFL); ../btree/bt_bulk.c 376 Warning 530: Symbol 'dup_data' (line 251) not initialized ../btree/bt_bulk.c 251 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ (uint32_t)(first_free - (uint8_t *)dup_key); ../btree/bt_bulk.c 462 Warning 530: Symbol 'dup_key' (line 251) not initialized ../btree/bt_bulk.c 251 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ page->records += WT_RECORDS(&off); ../btree/bt_bulk.c 602 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ WT_RECORDS(off) = dup_count; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 800 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ WT_RECORDS(&off) = page->records; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 1085 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ WT_RECORDS(&off) = page->records; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 1115 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ WT_RECORDS((WT_OFF *)elem->data) += incr; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 1153 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ (WT_OFF *)WT_ITEM_BYTE(elem->data)) += incr; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 1158 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ WT_RECORDS(&idb->root_off) = elem->page->records; ../btree/bt_bulk.c 1457 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_cache.c (C) _ #... ->stats)[WT_STAT_CACHE_BYTES_MAX].v = (env->cache_size * (1048576)); } whi cache->stats, CACHE_BYTES_MAX, env->cache_size * WT_MEGABYTE); ../btree/bt_cache.c 37 Warning 647: Suspicious truncation --- Module: ../btree/bt_close.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_cmp.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_debug.c (C) _ (unsigned long long)WT_RECORDS(off)); ../btree/bt_debug.c 633 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_desc.c (C) _ WT_RECORDS(&db->idb->root_off) = desc.records; ../btree/bt_desc.c 61 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ desc.records = WT_RECORDS(&idb->root_off); ../btree/bt_desc.c 103 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_discard.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_dump.c (C) _ key = (DBT *)rip; ../btree/bt_dump.c 357 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_evict.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_misc.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_open.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_ovfl.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_page.c (C) _ records += WT_RECORDS(off); ../btree/bt_page.c 239 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ records += WT_RECORDS(off); ../btree/bt_page.c 403 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_ROW_OFF(rip)) records += WT_ROW_OFF_RECORDS(rip); ../btree/bt_page.c 482 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_read.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_reconcile.c (C) _ WT_RECORDS(parent_off) = new->records; ../btree/bt_reconcile.c 982 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/bt_ret.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_rw.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_stat.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_sync.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/bt_vrfy.c (C) _ #... int _startbyte = _bit_byte(_start); register int _stopbyte = _bit_byte(_st bit_nset(vstuff.fragbits, 0, 0); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 104 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) _ #... r int _stopbyte = _bit_byte(_stop); if (_startbyte == _stopbyte) { _name[_ bit_nset(vstuff.fragbits, 0, 0); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 104 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) _ #... rtbyte] |= 0xff << ((_start)&0x7); while (++_startbyte < _stopbyte) _name[ bit_nset(vstuff.fragbits, 0, 0); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 104 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (15 bits to 8 bits) _ #... ; while (++_startbyte < _stopbyte) _name[_startbyte] = 0xff; _name[_stopby bit_nset(vstuff.fragbits, 0, 0); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 104 Warning 681: Loop is not entered _ #... )0), (*(uint64_t *)(&(&idb->root_off)->__record_chunk[0])), (uint64_t)1, 0 (uint64_t)1, WT_NOLEVEL, &idb->root_page, &vstuff)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 108 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_COL_OFF(cip)) records = WT_COL_OFF_RECORDS(cip); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 298 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_ROW_OFF(rip)) records = WT_ROW_OFF_RECORDS(rip); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 352 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_ROW_OFF(rip)) records = WT_ROW_OFF_RECORDS(rip); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 387 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ cd_ref = (DBT *)child_rip; ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 463 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ pd_ref = (DBT *)parent_rip; ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 469 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ current->dbt = (DBT *)rip; ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 554 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... ame = (vs->fragbits); register int _start = (addr), _stop = (addr + (frags bit_nset(vs->fragbits, addr, addr + (frags - 1)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1313 Info 713: Loss of precision (initialization) (unsigned int to int) _ #... int _start = (addr), _stop = (addr + (frags - 1)); register int _startbyt bit_nset(vs->fragbits, addr, addr + (frags - 1)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1313 Info 713: Loss of precision (initialization) (unsigned int to int) _ #... - 1)); register int _startbyte = _bit_byte(_start); register int _stopbyt bit_nset(vs->fragbits, addr, addr + (frags - 1)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1313 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) _ #... (_start); register int _stopbyte = _bit_byte(_stop); if (_startbyte == _st bit_nset(vs->fragbits, addr, addr + (frags - 1)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1313 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) _ #... else { _name[_startbyte] |= 0xff << ((_start)&0x7); while (++_startbyte < bit_nset(vs->fragbits, addr, addr + (frags - 1)); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1313 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (15 bits to 8 bits) _ #... egister int _stopbyte = _bit_byte(_nbits - 1), _value = -1; if (_nbits > 0 bit_ffc(vs->fragbits, frags, &ffc); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1331 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) _ #... != 0xff) { bitstr_t _lb; _value = _byte << 3; for (_lb = _name[_byte]; (_l bit_ffc(vs->fragbits, frags, &ffc); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1331 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) _ #... _name[_byte]; (_lb&0x1); ++_value, _lb >>= 1); break; } if (_value >= frag bit_ffc(vs->fragbits, frags, &ffc); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1331 Info 722: Suspicious use of ; _ #... ((vs->fragbits)[_bit_byte(ffc)] |= _bit_mask(ffc)) bit_set(vs->fragbits, ffc); ../btree/bt_vrfy.c 1333 Info 702: Shift right of signed quantity (int) --- Module: ../btree/bt_walk.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/col_get.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/col_put.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/col_srch.c (C) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_COL_OFF(cip)) if (record_cnt < WT_COL_OFF_RECORDS(cip)) ../btree/col_srch.c 80 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ #... WT_RECORDS(WT_COL_OFF(cip)) record_cnt -= WT_COL_OFF_RECORDS(cip); ../btree/col_srch.c 82 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) --- Module: ../btree/row_get.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/row_put.c (C) --- Module: ../btree/row_srch.c (C) _ cmp = db->btree_compare(db, key, (DBT *)rip); ../btree/row_srch.c 77 Info 740: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) _ if (cmp != 0) ../btree/row_srch.c 100 Warning 644: Variable 'cmp' (line 30) may not have been initialized ../btree/row_srch.c 30 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ ref = WT_ROW_REF(page, rip); ../btree/row_srch.c 111 Info 771: Symbol 'rip' (line 27) conceivably not initialized ../btree/row_srch.c 27 Info 830: Location cited in prior message --- Module: ../db/db_err.c (C) _ #... all((void *)((db)->errcall), (void *)(db), (db)->errpfx, (db)->idb == NULL WT_DB_ERR(db, error, fmt); ../db/db_err.c 49 Warning 611: Suspicious cast _ #... (void *)((db)->errcall), (void *)(db), (db)->errpfx, (db)->idb == NULL ? N WT_DB_ERR(db, 0, fmt); ../db/db_err.c 63 Warning 611: Suspicious cast --- Module: ../db/db_getset.c (C) --- Module: ../db/db_handle.c (C) --- Module: ../db/db_huffman.c (C) _ }; ../db/db_huffman.c 154 Info 785: Too few initializers for aggregate '__wt_huffman_ascii_english' of type 'const unsigned char [256]' --- Module: ../db/db_open.c (C) --- Module: ../db/db_stat.c (C) --- Module: ../db/db_sync.c (C) _ } ../db/db_sync.c 20 Info 715: Symbol 'f' (line 17) not referenced ../db/db_sync.c 17 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ../db/db_sync.c 20 Info 715: Symbol 'flags' (line 17) not referenced ../db/db_sync.c 17 Info 830: Location cited in prior message --- Module: ../env/env_err.c (C) _ #... call((void *)((env)->errcall), (void *)(env), env->errpfx, NULL, error, fm WT_ENV_ERR(env, error, fmt); ../env/env_err.c 68 Warning 611: Suspicious cast _ #... ((void *)((env)->errcall), (void *)(env), env->errpfx, NULL, 0, fmt, __ap) WT_ENV_ERR(env, 0, fmt); ../env/env_err.c 82 Warning 611: Suspicious cast --- Module: ../env/env_getset.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_global.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_handle.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_init.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_msg.c (C) _ #... *)((env)->msgcall), (void *)env, NULL, NULL, 0, fmt, __ap); va_end(__ap); WT_MSG(env, fmt); ../env/env_msg.c 54 Warning 611: Suspicious cast --- Module: ../env/env_open.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_stat.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_sync.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_toc.c (C) --- Module: ../env/env_workq.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_abort.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_alloc.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_filesize.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_fsync.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_mtx.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_open.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_rw.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_sleep.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_thread.c (C) --- Module: ../os_posix/os_yield.c (C) --- Module: ../support/api.c (C) --- Module: ../support/cksum.c (C) _ result = *data++ << 24; ../support/cksum.c 123 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) --- Module: ../support/err.c (C) _ ((void (*)(void *, const char *))cb)(handle, s); ../support/err.c 51 Warning 611: Suspicious cast --- Module: ../support/hazard.c (C) --- Module: ../support/huffman.c (C) _ #... ((ret = (__wt_calloc_func(env, 1 << huffman->max_depth, sizeof(WT_STATIC_ sizeof(WT_STATIC_HUFFMAN_NODE), &huffman->nodes)); ../support/huffman.c 325 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) _ for (i = 0, n = 1 << huffman->max_depth; i < n; ++i) { ../support/huffman.c 386 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) _ n = 1 << huffman->max_depth; ../support/huffman.c 460 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) _ mask = (uint8_t)(1 << bitpos); ../support/huffman.c 569 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) --- Module: ../support/pow.c (C) --- Module: ../support/prime.c (C) --- Module: ../support/progress.c (C) --- Module: ../support/scratch.c (C) --- Module: ../support/serial.c (C) --- Module: ../support/stat.c (C) --- Module: ../support/strerror.c (C) --- Module: ../support/version.c (C) --- Global Wrap-up Info 765: external '__wt_debugger_attach' (line 57, file ../env/env_global.c) could be made static ../env/env_global.c 57 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Info 729: Symbol '__wt_debugger_attach' (line 57, file ../env/env_global.c) not explicitly initialized ../env/env_global.c 57 Info 830: Location cited in prior message