Instructions for compiling MongoDB in Visual Studio 2008 ======================================================== Visual Studio Solution: ----------------------- mongo.sln -> MongoDB solution that contains all projects necessary for building applications and libraries. Static Library Projects: ------------------------ mongo_common -> common MongoDB files core_server -> score server files server_only -> files for building server-only applications shard_server -> shard server files Console Application Projects: ----------------------------- mongod -> MongoDB server (links mongo_common and server_only) mongo -> MongoDB shell (links mongo_common) mongobridge -> MongoDB bridge server shell (links mongo_common and server_only) mongodump -> MongoDB dump application (links mongo_common and server_only) mongoexport -> MongoDB export application (links mongo_common and server_only) mongofiles -> MongoDB files application (links mongo_common and server_only) mongoimportjson -> MongoDB import json application (links mongo_common and server_only) mongorestore -> MongoDB restore application (links mongo_common and server_only) mongos -> MongoDB shard server (links mongo_common, core_server and shard_server) Client Driver Library: ----------------------------- mongoclient -> static library containing client driver files Notes: ====== 1) All static libraries derive project settings from Project Property Sheet "mongo_lib" (View->Other Windows->Property Manager). Settings configured in this Property Sheet will be inherited by all static library projects (Include Directories, Library Directories, etc). 2) All console applications derive project settings from "mongo_app". 3) msvc_scripting.cpp is used to control the javascript library to use - to change, simply modify the "Preprocessor" project setting in the Property Sheets to reflect the required javascript option (USESM or NOJNI).