// s/client.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include "server.h" #include "../db/commands.h" #include "../db/dbmessage.h" #include "../db/stats/counters.h" #include "../client/connpool.h" #include "client.h" #include "request.h" #include "config.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "stats.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "grid.h" #include "s/writeback_listener.h" namespace mongo { ClientInfo::ClientInfo() { _cur = &_a; _prev = &_b; _autoSplitOk = true; newRequest(); } ClientInfo::~ClientInfo() { } void ClientInfo::addShard( const string& shard ) { _cur->insert( shard ); _sinceLastGetError.insert( shard ); } void ClientInfo::newRequest( AbstractMessagingPort* p ) { if ( p ) { HostAndPort r = p->remote(); if ( _remote.port() == -1 ) _remote = r; else if ( _remote != r ) { stringstream ss; ss << "remotes don't match old [" << _remote.toString() << "] new [" << r.toString() << "]"; throw UserException( 13134 , ss.str() ); } } _lastAccess = (int) time(0); set * temp = _cur; _cur = _prev; _prev = temp; _cur->clear(); } ClientInfo * ClientInfo::get() { ClientInfo * info = _tlInfo.get(); if ( ! info ) { info = new ClientInfo(); _tlInfo.reset( info ); info->newRequest(); } return info; } void ClientInfo::disconnect() { // should be handled by TL cleanup _lastAccess = 0; } void ClientInfo::_addWriteBack( vector& all , const BSONObj& gle ) { BSONElement w = gle["writeback"]; if ( w.type() != jstOID ) return; BSONElement cid = gle["connectionId"]; if ( cid.eoo() ) { error() << "getLastError writeback can't work because of version mis-match" << endl; return; } string ident = ""; if ( gle["instanceIdent"].type() == String ) ident = gle["instanceIdent"].String(); all.push_back( WBInfo( WriteBackListener::ConnectionIdent( ident , cid.numberLong() ) , w.OID() ) ); } vector ClientInfo::_handleWriteBacks( vector& all , bool fromWriteBackListener ) { vector res; if ( all.size() == 0 ) return res; if ( fromWriteBackListener ) { LOG(1) << "not doing recusrive writeback" << endl; return res; } for ( unsigned i=0; i * shards = getPrev(); if ( shards->size() == 0 ) { result.appendNull( "err" ); return true; } vector writebacks; // handle single server if ( shards->size() == 1 ) { string theShard = *(shards->begin() ); ShardConnection conn( theShard , "" ); BSONObj res; bool ok = false; try{ ok = conn->runCommand( "admin" , options , res ); } catch( std::exception &e ){ warning() << "Could not get last error." << e.what() << endl; // Catch everything that happens here, since we need to ensure we return our connection when we're // finished. conn.done(); return false; } res = res.getOwned(); conn.done(); _addWriteBack( writebacks , res ); // hit other machines just to block for ( set::const_iterator i=sinceLastGetError().begin(); i!=sinceLastGetError().end(); ++i ) { string temp = *i; if ( temp == theShard ) continue; ShardConnection conn( temp , "" ); _addWriteBack( writebacks , conn->getLastErrorDetailed() ); conn.done(); } clearSinceLastGetError(); if ( writebacks.size() ){ vector v = _handleWriteBacks( writebacks , fromWriteBackListener ); if ( v.size() == 0 && fromWriteBackListener ) { // ok } else { assert( v.size() == 1 ); result.appendElements( v[0] ); result.appendElementsUnique( res ); result.append( "writebackGLE" , v[0] ); result.append( "initialGLEHost" , theShard ); } } else { result.append( "singleShard" , theShard ); result.appendElements( res ); } return ok; } BSONArrayBuilder bbb( result.subarrayStart( "shards" ) ); BSONObjBuilder shardRawGLE; long long n = 0; int updatedExistingStat = 0; // 0 is none, -1 has but false, 1 has true // hit each shard vector errors; vector errorObjects; for ( set::iterator i = shards->begin(); i != shards->end(); i++ ) { string theShard = *i; bbb.append( theShard ); ShardConnection conn( theShard , "" ); BSONObj res; bool ok = false; try { ok = conn->runCommand( "admin" , options , res ); shardRawGLE.append( theShard , res ); } catch( std::exception &e ){ // Safe to return here, since we haven't started any extra processing yet, just collecting // responses. warning() << "Could not get last error." << e.what() << endl; conn.done(); return false; } _addWriteBack( writebacks, res ); string temp = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString( res ); if ( conn->type() != ConnectionString::SYNC && ( ok == false || temp.size() ) ) { errors.push_back( temp ); errorObjects.push_back( res ); } n += res["n"].numberLong(); if ( res["updatedExisting"].type() ) { if ( res["updatedExisting"].trueValue() ) updatedExistingStat = 1; else if ( updatedExistingStat == 0 ) updatedExistingStat = -1; } conn.done(); } bbb.done(); result.append( "shardRawGLE" , shardRawGLE.obj() ); result.appendNumber( "n" , n ); if ( updatedExistingStat ) result.appendBool( "updatedExisting" , updatedExistingStat > 0 ); // hit other machines just to block for ( set::const_iterator i=sinceLastGetError().begin(); i!=sinceLastGetError().end(); ++i ) { string temp = *i; if ( shards->count( temp ) ) continue; ShardConnection conn( temp , "" ); _addWriteBack( writebacks, conn->getLastErrorDetailed() ); conn.done(); } clearSinceLastGetError(); if ( errors.size() == 0 ) { result.appendNull( "err" ); _handleWriteBacks( writebacks , fromWriteBackListener ); return true; } result.append( "err" , errors[0].c_str() ); { // errs BSONArrayBuilder all( result.subarrayStart( "errs" ) ); for ( unsigned i=0; i ClientInfo::_tlInfo; } // namespace mongo