// grid.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2010 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include #include "../client/connpool.h" #include "../util/stringutils.h" #include "../util/unittest.h" #include "grid.h" #include "shard.h" namespace mongo { DBConfigPtr Grid::getDBConfig( string database , bool create , const string& shardNameHint ) { { string::size_type i = database.find( "." ); if ( i != string::npos ) database = database.substr( 0 , i ); } if ( database == "config" ) return configServerPtr; scoped_lock l( _lock ); DBConfigPtr& cc = _databases[database]; if ( !cc ) { cc.reset(new DBConfig( database )); if ( ! cc->load() ) { if ( create ) { // note here that cc->primary == 0. log() << "couldn't find database [" << database << "] in config db" << endl; { // lets check case ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.modelServer() ); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex( "_id" , (string)"^" + database + "$" , "i" ); BSONObj d = conn->findOne( ShardNS::database , b.obj() ); conn.done(); if ( ! d.isEmpty() ) { cc.reset(); stringstream ss; ss << "can't have 2 databases that just differ on case " << " have: " << d["_id"].String() << " want to add: " << database; uasserted( DatabaseDifferCaseCode ,ss.str() ); } } Shard primary; if ( database == "admin" ) { primary = configServer.getPrimary(); } else if ( shardNameHint.empty() ) { primary = Shard::pick(); } else { // use the shard name if provided Shard shard; shard.reset( shardNameHint ); primary = shard; } if ( primary.ok() ) { cc->setPrimary( primary.getName() ); // saves 'cc' to configDB log() << "\t put [" << database << "] on: " << primary << endl; } else { cc.reset(); log() << "\t can't find a shard to put new db on" << endl; uasserted( 10185 , "can't find a shard to put new db on" ); } } else { cc.reset(); } } } return cc; } void Grid::removeDB( string database ) { uassert( 10186 , "removeDB expects db name" , database.find( '.' ) == string::npos ); scoped_lock l( _lock ); _databases.erase( database ); } bool Grid::allowLocalHost() const { return _allowLocalShard; } void Grid::setAllowLocalHost( bool allow ) { _allowLocalShard = allow; } bool Grid::addShard( string* name , const ConnectionString& servers , long long maxSize , string& errMsg ) { // name can be NULL, so provide a dummy one here to avoid testing it elsewhere string nameInternal; if ( ! name ) { name = &nameInternal; } // Check whether the host (or set) exists and run several sanity checks on this request. // There are two set of sanity checks: making sure adding this particular shard is consistent // with the replica set state (if it exists) and making sure this shards databases can be // brought into the grid without conflict. vector dbNames; try { ScopedDbConnection newShardConn( servers ); newShardConn->getLastError(); if ( newShardConn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC ) { newShardConn.done(); errMsg = "can't use sync cluster as a shard. for replica set, have to use /,,..."; return false; } BSONObj resIsMongos; bool ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isdbgrid" << 1 ) , resIsMongos ); // should return ok=0, cmd not found if it's a normal mongod if ( ok ) { errMsg = "can't add a mongos process as a shard"; newShardConn.done(); return false; } BSONObj resIsMaster; ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isMaster" << 1 ) , resIsMaster ); if ( !ok ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "failed running isMaster: " << resIsMaster; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // if the shard has only one host, make sure it is not part of a replica set string setName = resIsMaster["setName"].str(); string commandSetName = servers.getSetName(); if ( commandSetName.empty() && ! setName.empty() ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host is part of set: " << setName << " use replica set url format /,,...."; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } if ( !commandSetName.empty() && setName.empty() ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host did not return a set name, is the replica set still initializing? " << resIsMaster; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // if the shard is part of replica set, make sure it is the right one if ( ! commandSetName.empty() && ( commandSetName != setName ) ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host is part of a different set: " << setName; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // if the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in 'servers' are part of // the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are present in 'servers'. bool foundAll = true; string offendingHost; if ( ! commandSetName.empty() ) { set hostSet; BSONObjIterator iter( resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj() ); while ( iter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( iter.next().String() ); // host:port } if ( resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj() ) { BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["passives"].Obj() ); while ( piter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( piter.next().String() ); // host:port } } if ( resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj() ) { BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj() ); while ( piter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( piter.next().String() ); // host:port } } vector hosts = servers.getServers(); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < hosts.size() ; i++ ) { if (!hosts[i].hasPort()) { hosts[i].setPort(CmdLine::DefaultDBPort); } string host = hosts[i].toString(); // host:port if ( hostSet.find( host ) == hostSet.end() ) { offendingHost = host; foundAll = false; break; } } } if ( ! foundAll ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "in seed list " << servers.toString() << ", host " << offendingHost << " does not belong to replica set " << setName; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // shard name defaults to the name of the replica set if ( name->empty() && ! setName.empty() ) *name = setName; // In order to be accepted as a new shard, that mongod must not have any database name that exists already // in any other shards. If that test passes, the new shard's databases are going to be entered as // non-sharded db's whose primary is the newly added shard. BSONObj resListDB; ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ) , resListDB ); if ( !ok ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "failed listing " << servers.toString() << "'s databases:" << resListDB; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } BSONObjIterator i( resListDB["databases"].Obj() ); while ( i.more() ) { BSONObj dbEntry = i.next().Obj(); const string& dbName = dbEntry["name"].String(); if ( _isSpecialLocalDB( dbName ) ) { // 'local', 'admin', and 'config' are system DBs and should be excluded here continue; } else { dbNames.push_back( dbName ); } } newShardConn.done(); } catch ( DBException& e ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "couldn't connect to new shard "; ss << e.what(); errMsg = ss.str(); return false; } // check that none of the existing shard candidate's db's exist elsewhere for ( vector::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) { DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , false ); if ( config.get() != NULL ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "can't add shard " << servers.toString() << " because a local database '" << *it; ss << "' exists in another " << config->getPrimary().toString(); errMsg = ss.str(); return false; } } // if a name for a shard wasn't provided, pick one. if ( name->empty() && ! _getNewShardName( name ) ) { errMsg = "error generating new shard name"; return false; } // build the ConfigDB shard document BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "_id" , *name ); b.append( "host" , servers.toString() ); if ( maxSize > 0 ) { b.append( ShardFields::maxSize.name() , maxSize ); } BSONObj shardDoc = b.obj(); { ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() ); // check whether the set of hosts (or single host) is not an already a known shard BSONObj old = conn->findOne( ShardNS::shard , BSON( "host" << servers.toString() ) ); if ( ! old.isEmpty() ) { errMsg = "host already used"; conn.done(); return false; } log() << "going to add shard: " << shardDoc << endl; conn->insert( ShardNS::shard , shardDoc ); errMsg = conn->getLastError(); if ( ! errMsg.empty() ) { log() << "error adding shard: " << shardDoc << " err: " << errMsg << endl; conn.done(); return false; } conn.done(); } Shard::reloadShardInfo(); // add all databases of the new shard for ( vector::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) { DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , true , *name ); if ( ! config ) { log() << "adding shard " << servers << " even though could not add database " << *it << endl; } } return true; } bool Grid::knowAboutShard( const string& name ) const { ShardConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() , "" ); BSONObj shard = conn->findOne( ShardNS::shard , BSON( "host" << name ) ); conn.done(); return ! shard.isEmpty(); } bool Grid::_getNewShardName( string* name ) const { DEV assert( name ); bool ok = false; int count = 0; ShardConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() , "" ); BSONObj o = conn->findOne( ShardNS::shard , Query( fromjson ( "{_id: /^shard/}" ) ).sort( BSON( "_id" << -1 ) ) ); if ( ! o.isEmpty() ) { string last = o["_id"].String(); istringstream is( last.substr( 5 ) ); is >> count; count++; } if (count < 9999) { stringstream ss; ss << "shard" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << count; *name = ss.str(); ok = true; } conn.done(); return ok; } bool Grid::shouldBalance() const { ShardConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() , "" ); // look for the stop balancer marker BSONObj balancerDoc = conn->findOne( ShardNS::settings, BSON( "_id" << "balancer" ) ); conn.done(); boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); if ( _balancerStopped( balancerDoc ) || ! _inBalancingWindow( balancerDoc , now ) ) { return false; } return true; } bool Grid::_balancerStopped( const BSONObj& balancerDoc ) { // check the 'stopped' marker maker // if present, it is a simple bool BSONElement stoppedElem = balancerDoc["stopped"]; return stoppedElem.trueValue(); } bool Grid::_inBalancingWindow( const BSONObj& balancerDoc , const boost::posix_time::ptime& now ) { // check the 'activeWindow' marker // if present, it is an interval during the day when the balancer should be active // { start: "08:00" , stop: "19:30" }, strftime format is %H:%M BSONElement windowElem = balancerDoc["activeWindow"]; if ( windowElem.eoo() ) { return true; } // check if both 'start' and 'stop' are present if ( ! windowElem.isABSONObj() ) { warning() << "'activeWindow' format is { start: \"hh:mm\" , stop: ... }" << balancerDoc << endl; return true; } BSONObj intervalDoc = windowElem.Obj(); const string start = intervalDoc["start"].str(); const string stop = intervalDoc["stop"].str(); if ( start.empty() || stop.empty() ) { warning() << "must specify both start and end of balancing window: " << intervalDoc << endl; return true; } // check that both 'start' and 'stop' are valid time-of-day boost::posix_time::ptime startTime, stopTime; if ( ! toPointInTime( start , &startTime ) || ! toPointInTime( stop , &stopTime ) ) { warning() << "cannot parse active window (use hh:mm 24hs format): " << intervalDoc << endl; return true; } if ( logLevel ) { stringstream ss; ss << " now: " << now << " startTime: " << startTime << " stopTime: " << stopTime; log() << "_inBalancingWindow: " << ss.str() << endl; } // allow balancing if during the activeWindow // note that a window may be open during the night if ( stopTime > startTime ) { if ( ( now >= startTime ) && ( now <= stopTime ) ) { return true; } } else if ( startTime > stopTime ) { if ( ( now >=startTime ) || ( now <= stopTime ) ) { return true; } } return false; } unsigned long long Grid::getNextOpTime() const { ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() ); BSONObj result; massert( 10421 , "getoptime failed" , conn->simpleCommand( "admin" , &result , "getoptime" ) ); conn.done(); return result["optime"]._numberLong(); } bool Grid::_isSpecialLocalDB( const string& dbName ) { return ( dbName == "local" ) || ( dbName == "admin" ) || ( dbName == "config" ); } void Grid::flushConfig() { scoped_lock lk( _lock ); _databases.clear(); } Grid grid; // unit tests class BalancingWindowUnitTest : public UnitTest { public: void run() { if ( ! cmdLine.isMongos() ) return; // T0 < T1 < now < T2 < T3 and Error const string T0 = "9:00"; const string T1 = "11:00"; boost::posix_time::ptime now( currentDate(), boost::posix_time::hours( 13 ) + boost::posix_time::minutes( 48 ) ); const string T2 = "17:00"; const string T3 = "21:30"; const string E = "28:35"; BSONObj w1 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << T0 << "stop" << T1 ) ); // closed in the past BSONObj w2 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << T2 << "stop" << T3 ) ); // not opened until the future BSONObj w3 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << T1 << "stop" << T2 ) ); // open now BSONObj w4 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << T3 << "stop" << T2 ) ); // open since last day assert( ! Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w1 , now ) ); assert( ! Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w2 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w3 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w4 , now ) ); // bad input should not stop the balancer BSONObj w5; // empty window BSONObj w6 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << 1 ) ); // missing stop BSONObj w7 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "stop" << 1 ) ); // missing start BSONObj w8 = BSON( "wrongMarker" << 1 << "start" << 1 << "stop" << 1 ); // active window marker missing BSONObj w9 = BSON( "activeWindow" << BSON( "start" << T3 << "stop" << E ) ); // garbage in window assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w5 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w6 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w7 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w8 , now ) ); assert( Grid::_inBalancingWindow( w9 , now ) ); log(1) << "BalancingWidowObjTest passed" << endl; } } BalancingWindowObjTest; }