// v8_db.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "v8_wrapper.h" #include "v8_utils.h" #include "v8_db.h" #include "engine.h" #include "util/base64.h" #include "../client/syncclusterconnection.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace v8; namespace mongo { #define CONN_STRING (v8::String::New( "_conn" )) #define DDD(x) v8::Handle getMongoFunctionTemplate( bool local ){ v8::Local mongo = FunctionTemplate::New( local ? mongoConsLocal : mongoConsExternal ); v8::Local proto = mongo->PrototypeTemplate(); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "find" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( mongoFind ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "insert" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( mongoInsert ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "remove" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( mongoRemove ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "update" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( mongoUpdate ) ); Local ic = FunctionTemplate::New( internalCursorCons ); ic->PrototypeTemplate()->Set( v8::String::New("next") , FunctionTemplate::New( internalCursorNext ) ); ic->PrototypeTemplate()->Set( v8::String::New("hasNext") , FunctionTemplate::New( internalCursorHasNext ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "internalCursor" ) , ic ); return mongo; } v8::Handle getNumberLongFunctionTemplate() { v8::Local numberLong = FunctionTemplate::New( numberLongInit ); v8::Local proto = numberLong->PrototypeTemplate(); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "valueOf" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( numberLongValueOf ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "toNumber" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( numberLongToNumber ) ); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "toString" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( numberLongToString ) ); return numberLong; } v8::Handle getBinDataFunctionTemplate() { v8::Local binData = FunctionTemplate::New( binDataInit ); v8::Local proto = binData->PrototypeTemplate(); proto->Set( v8::String::New( "toString" ) , FunctionTemplate::New( binDataToString ) ); return binData; } void installDBTypes( Handle& global ){ v8::Local db = FunctionTemplate::New( dbInit ); db->InstanceTemplate()->SetNamedPropertyHandler( collectionFallback ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DB") , db ); v8::Local dbCollection = FunctionTemplate::New( collectionInit ); dbCollection->InstanceTemplate()->SetNamedPropertyHandler( collectionFallback ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DBCollection") , dbCollection ); v8::Local dbQuery = FunctionTemplate::New( dbQueryInit ); dbQuery->InstanceTemplate()->SetIndexedPropertyHandler( dbQueryIndexAccess ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DBQuery") , dbQuery ); global->Set( v8::String::New("ObjectId") , FunctionTemplate::New( objectIdInit ) ); global->Set( v8::String::New("DBRef") , FunctionTemplate::New( dbRefInit ) ); global->Set( v8::String::New("DBPointer") , FunctionTemplate::New( dbPointerInit ) ); global->Set( v8::String::New("BinData") , getBinDataFunctionTemplate() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("NumberLong") , getNumberLongFunctionTemplate() ); } void installDBTypes( Handle& global ){ v8::Local db = FunctionTemplate::New( dbInit ); db->InstanceTemplate()->SetNamedPropertyHandler( collectionFallback ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DB") , db->GetFunction() ); v8::Local dbCollection = FunctionTemplate::New( collectionInit ); dbCollection->InstanceTemplate()->SetNamedPropertyHandler( collectionFallback ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DBCollection") , dbCollection->GetFunction() ); v8::Local dbQuery = FunctionTemplate::New( dbQueryInit ); dbQuery->InstanceTemplate()->SetIndexedPropertyHandler( dbQueryIndexAccess ); global->Set(v8::String::New("DBQuery") , dbQuery->GetFunction() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("ObjectId") , FunctionTemplate::New( objectIdInit )->GetFunction() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("DBRef") , FunctionTemplate::New( dbRefInit )->GetFunction() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("DBPointer") , FunctionTemplate::New( dbPointerInit )->GetFunction() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("BinData") , getBinDataFunctionTemplate()->GetFunction() ); global->Set( v8::String::New("NumberLong") , getNumberLongFunctionTemplate()->GetFunction() ); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendMaxKey( "" ); b.appendMinKey( "" ); BSONObj o = b.obj(); BSONObjIterator i( o ); global->Set( v8::String::New("MaxKey"), mongoToV8Element( i.next() ) ); global->Set( v8::String::New("MinKey"), mongoToV8Element( i.next() ) ); global->Get( v8::String::New( "Object" ) )->ToObject()->Set( v8::String::New("bsonsize") , FunctionTemplate::New( bsonsize )->GetFunction() ); } void destroyConnection( Persistent object, void* parameter){ // TODO cout << "warning: destroyConnection not implemented" << endl; } Handle mongoConsExternal(const Arguments& args){ char host[255]; if ( args.Length() > 0 && args[0]->IsString() ){ assert( args[0]->ToString()->Utf8Length() < 250 ); args[0]->ToString()->WriteAscii( host ); } else { strcpy( host , "" ); } DBClientWithCommands * conn = 0; int commas = 0; for ( int i=0; i<255; i++ ){ if ( host[i] == ',' ) commas++; else if ( host[i] == 0 ) break; } if ( commas == 0 ){ DBClientConnection * c = new DBClientConnection( true ); string errmsg; if ( ! c->connect( host , errmsg ) ){ delete c; string x = "couldn't connect: "; x += errmsg; return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( x.c_str() ) ); } conn = c; } else if ( commas == 1 ){ DBClientPaired * c = new DBClientPaired(); if ( ! c->connect( host ) ){ delete c; return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "couldn't connect to pair" ) ); } conn = c; } else if ( commas == 2 ){ conn = new SyncClusterConnection( host ); } else { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "too many commas" ) ); } Persistent self = Persistent::New( args.This() ); self.MakeWeak( conn , destroyConnection ); ScriptEngine::runConnectCallback( *conn ); // NOTE I don't believe the conn object will ever be freed. args.This()->Set( CONN_STRING , External::New( conn ) ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "slaveOk" ) , Boolean::New( false ) ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "host" ) , v8::String::New( host ) ); return v8::Undefined(); } Handle mongoConsLocal(const Arguments& args){ if ( args.Length() > 0 ) return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "local Mongo constructor takes no args" ) ); DBClientBase * conn = createDirectClient(); Persistent self = Persistent::New( args.This() ); self.MakeWeak( conn , destroyConnection ); // NOTE I don't believe the conn object will ever be freed. args.This()->Set( CONN_STRING , External::New( conn ) ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "slaveOk" ) , Boolean::New( false ) ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "host" ) , v8::String::New( "EMBEDDED" ) ); return v8::Undefined(); } // --- #ifdef _WIN32 #define GETNS char * ns = new char[args[0]->ToString()->Utf8Length()]; args[0]->ToString()->WriteUtf8( ns ); #else #define GETNS char ns[args[0]->ToString()->Utf8Length()]; args[0]->ToString()->WriteUtf8( ns ); #endif DBClientBase * getConnection( const Arguments& args ){ Local c = External::Cast( *(args.This()->Get( CONN_STRING )) ); DBClientBase * conn = (DBClientBase*)(c->Value()); assert( conn ); return conn; } // ---- real methods /** 0 - namespace 1 - query 2 - fields 3 - limit 4 - skip */ Handle mongoFind(const Arguments& args){ jsassert( args.Length() == 6 , "find needs 6 args" ); jsassert( args[1]->IsObject() , "needs to be an object" ); DBClientBase * conn = getConnection( args ); GETNS; BSONObj q = v8ToMongo( args[1]->ToObject() ); DDD( "query:" << q ); BSONObj fields; bool haveFields = args[2]->IsObject() && args[2]->ToObject()->GetPropertyNames()->Length() > 0; if ( haveFields ) fields = v8ToMongo( args[2]->ToObject() ); Local mongo = args.This(); Local slaveOkVal = mongo->Get( v8::String::New( "slaveOk" ) ); jsassert( slaveOkVal->IsBoolean(), "slaveOk member invalid" ); bool slaveOk = slaveOkVal->BooleanValue(); try { auto_ptr cursor; int nToReturn = (int)(args[3]->ToNumber()->Value()); int nToSkip = (int)(args[4]->ToNumber()->Value()); int batchSize = (int)(args[5]->ToNumber()->Value()); { v8::Unlocker u; cursor = conn->query( ns, q , nToReturn , nToSkip , haveFields ? &fields : 0, slaveOk ? QueryOption_SlaveOk : 0 , batchSize ); } v8::Function * cons = (v8::Function*)( *( mongo->Get( v8::String::New( "internalCursor" ) ) ) ); assert( cons ); Local c = cons->NewInstance(); // NOTE I don't believe the cursor object will ever be freed. c->Set( v8::String::New( "cursor" ) , External::New( cursor.release() ) ); return c; } catch ( ... ){ return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "socket error on query" ) ); } } v8::Handle mongoInsert(const v8::Arguments& args){ jsassert( args.Length() == 2 , "insert needs 2 args" ); jsassert( args[1]->IsObject() , "have to insert an object" ); DBClientBase * conn = getConnection( args ); GETNS; v8::Handle in = args[1]->ToObject(); if ( ! in->Has( v8::String::New( "_id" ) ) ){ v8::Handle argv[1]; in->Set( v8::String::New( "_id" ) , getObjectIdCons()->NewInstance( 0 , argv ) ); } BSONObj o = v8ToMongo( in ); DDD( "want to save : " << o.jsonString() ); try { v8::Unlocker u; conn->insert( ns , o ); } catch ( ... ){ return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "socket error on insert" ) ); } return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle mongoRemove(const v8::Arguments& args){ jsassert( args.Length() == 2 , "remove needs 2 args" ); jsassert( args[1]->IsObject() , "have to remove an object template" ); DBClientBase * conn = getConnection( args ); GETNS; v8::Handle in = args[1]->ToObject(); BSONObj o = v8ToMongo( in ); DDD( "want to remove : " << o.jsonString() ); try { v8::Unlocker u; conn->remove( ns , o ); } catch ( ... ){ return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "socket error on remove" ) ); } return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle mongoUpdate(const v8::Arguments& args){ jsassert( args.Length() >= 3 , "update needs at least 3 args" ); jsassert( args[1]->IsObject() , "1st param to update has to be an object" ); jsassert( args[2]->IsObject() , "2nd param to update has to be an object" ); DBClientBase * conn = getConnection( args ); GETNS; v8::Handle q = args[1]->ToObject(); v8::Handle o = args[2]->ToObject(); bool upsert = args.Length() > 3 && args[3]->IsBoolean() && args[3]->ToBoolean()->Value(); bool multi = args.Length() > 4 && args[4]->IsBoolean() && args[4]->ToBoolean()->Value(); try { BSONObj q1 = v8ToMongo( q ); BSONObj o1 = v8ToMongo( o ); v8::Unlocker u; conn->update( ns , q1 , o1 , upsert, multi ); } catch ( ... ){ return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "socket error on remove" ) ); } return v8::Undefined(); } // --- cursor --- mongo::DBClientCursor * getCursor( const Arguments& args ){ Local c = External::Cast( *(args.This()->Get( v8::String::New( "cursor" ) ) ) ); mongo::DBClientCursor * cursor = (mongo::DBClientCursor*)(c->Value()); return cursor; } v8::Handle internalCursorCons(const v8::Arguments& args){ return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle internalCursorNext(const v8::Arguments& args){ mongo::DBClientCursor * cursor = getCursor( args ); if ( ! cursor ) return v8::Undefined(); BSONObj o; { v8::Unlocker u; o = cursor->next(); } return mongoToV8( o ); } v8::Handle internalCursorHasNext(const v8::Arguments& args){ mongo::DBClientCursor * cursor = getCursor( args ); if ( ! cursor ) return Boolean::New( false ); bool ret; { v8::Unlocker u; ret = cursor->more(); } return Boolean::New( ret ); } // --- DB ---- v8::Handle dbInit(const v8::Arguments& args){ assert( args.Length() == 2 ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_mongo" ) , args[0] ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_name" ) , args[1] ); for ( int i=0; iIsUndefined() ); return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle collectionInit( const v8::Arguments& args ){ assert( args.Length() == 4 ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_mongo" ) , args[0] ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_db" ) , args[1] ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_shortName" ) , args[2] ); args.This()->Set( v8::String::New( "_fullName" ) , args[3] ); for ( int i=0; iIsUndefined() ); return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle dbQueryInit( const v8::Arguments& args ){ v8::Handle t = args.This(); assert( args.Length() >= 4 ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_mongo" ) , args[0] ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_db" ) , args[1] ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_collection" ) , args[2] ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_ns" ) , args[3] ); if ( args.Length() > 4 && args[4]->IsObject() ) t->Set( v8::String::New( "_query" ) , args[4] ); else t->Set( v8::String::New( "_query" ) , v8::Object::New() ); if ( args.Length() > 5 && args[5]->IsObject() ) t->Set( v8::String::New( "_fields" ) , args[5] ); else t->Set( v8::String::New( "_fields" ) , v8::Null() ); if ( args.Length() > 6 && args[6]->IsNumber() ) t->Set( v8::String::New( "_limit" ) , args[6] ); else t->Set( v8::String::New( "_limit" ) , Number::New( 0 ) ); if ( args.Length() > 7 && args[7]->IsNumber() ) t->Set( v8::String::New( "_skip" ) , args[7] ); else t->Set( v8::String::New( "_skip" ) , Number::New( 0 ) ); if ( args.Length() > 8 && args[8]->IsNumber() ) t->Set( v8::String::New( "_batchSize" ) , args[7] ); else t->Set( v8::String::New( "_batchSize" ) , Number::New( 0 ) ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_cursor" ) , v8::Null() ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_numReturned" ) , v8::Number::New(0) ); t->Set( v8::String::New( "_special" ) , Boolean::New(false) ); return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle collectionFallback( v8::Local name, const v8::AccessorInfo &info) { DDD( "collectionFallback [" << name << "]" ); v8::Handle real = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get( name ); if ( ! real->IsUndefined() ) return real; string sname = toSTLString( name ); if ( sname[0] == '_' ){ if ( ! ( info.This()->HasRealNamedProperty( name ) ) ) return v8::Undefined(); return info.This()->GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain( name ); } v8::Handle getCollection = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get( v8::String::New( "getCollection" ) ); assert( getCollection->IsFunction() ); v8::Function * f = (v8::Function*)(*getCollection); v8::Handle argv[1]; argv[0] = name; return f->Call( info.This() , 1 , argv ); } v8::Handle dbQueryIndexAccess( unsigned int index , const v8::AccessorInfo& info ){ v8::Handle arrayAccess = info.This()->GetPrototype()->ToObject()->Get( v8::String::New( "arrayAccess" ) ); assert( arrayAccess->IsFunction() ); v8::Function * f = (v8::Function*)(*arrayAccess); v8::Handle argv[1]; argv[0] = v8::Number::New( index ); return f->Call( info.This() , 1 , argv ); } v8::Handle objectIdInit( const v8::Arguments& args ){ v8::Handle it = args.This(); if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function * f = getObjectIdCons(); it = f->NewInstance(); } OID oid; if ( args.Length() == 0 ){ oid.init(); } else { string s = toSTLString( args[0] ); try { Scope::validateObjectIdString( s ); } catch ( const MsgAssertionException &m ) { string error = m.toString(); return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( error.c_str() ) ); } oid.init( s ); } it->Set( v8::String::New( "str" ) , v8::String::New( oid.str().c_str() ) ); return it; } v8::Handle dbRefInit( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 2 && args.Length() != 0) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "DBRef needs 2 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function* f = getNamedCons( "DBRef" ); it = f->NewInstance(); } if ( args.Length() == 2 ) { it->Set( v8::String::New( "$ref" ) , args[0] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "$id" ) , args[1] ); } return it; } v8::Handle dbPointerInit( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 2) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "DBPointer needs 2 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function* f = getNamedCons( "DBPointer" ); it = f->NewInstance(); } it->Set( v8::String::New( "ns" ) , args[0] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "id" ) , args[1] ); it->SetHiddenValue( v8::String::New( "__DBPointer" ), v8::Number::New( 1 ) ); return it; } v8::Handle binDataInit( const v8::Arguments& args ) { v8::Handle it = args.This(); // 3 args: len, type, data if (args.Length() == 3) { if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function* f = getNamedCons( "BinData" ); it = f->NewInstance(); } it->Set( v8::String::New( "len" ) , args[0] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "type" ) , args[1] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "data" ), args[2] ); it->SetHiddenValue( v8::String::New( "__BinData" ), v8::Number::New( 1 ) ); // 2 args: type, base64 string } else if ( args.Length() == 2 ) { if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function* f = getNamedCons( "BinData" ); it = f->NewInstance(); } v8::String::Utf8Value data( args[ 1 ] ); string decoded = base64::decode( *data ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "len" ) , v8::Number::New( decoded.length() ) ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "type" ) , args[ 0 ] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "data" ), v8::String::New( decoded.data(), decoded.length() ) ); it->SetHiddenValue( v8::String::New( "__BinData" ), v8::Number::New( 1 ) ); } else { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "BinData needs 3 arguments" ) ); } return it; } v8::Handle binDataToString( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 0) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "toString needs 0 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); int len = it->Get( v8::String::New( "len" ) )->ToInt32()->Value(); int type = it->Get( v8::String::New( "type" ) )->ToInt32()->Value(); v8::String::Utf8Value data( it->Get( v8::String::New( "data" ) ) ); stringstream ss; ss << "BinData( type: " << type << ", base64: \""; base64::encode( ss, *data, len ); ss << "\" )"; string ret = ss.str(); return v8::String::New( ret.c_str() ); } v8::Handle numberLongInit( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 1 && args.Length() != 3) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "NumberLong needs 1 or 3 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){ v8::Function* f = getNamedCons( "NumberLong" ); it = f->NewInstance(); } it->Set( v8::String::New( "floatApprox" ) , args[0] ); if ( args.Length() == 3 ) { it->Set( v8::String::New( "top" ) , args[1] ); it->Set( v8::String::New( "bottom" ) , args[2] ); } it->SetHiddenValue( v8::String::New( "__NumberLong" ), v8::Number::New( 1 ) ); return it; } long long numberLongVal( const v8::Handle< v8::Object > &it ) { if ( !it->Has( v8::String::New( "top" ) ) ) return (long long)( it->Get( v8::String::New( "floatApprox" ) )->NumberValue() ); return (long long) ( (unsigned long long)( it->Get( v8::String::New( "top" ) )->ToInt32()->Value() ) << 32 ) + (unsigned)( it->Get( v8::String::New( "bottom" ) )->ToInt32()->Value() ); } v8::Handle numberLongValueOf( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 0) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "toNumber needs 0 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); long long val = numberLongVal( it ); return v8::Number::New( double( val ) ); } v8::Handle numberLongToNumber( const v8::Arguments& args ) { return numberLongValueOf( args ); } v8::Handle numberLongToString( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 0) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "toString needs 0 arguments" ) ); } v8::Handle it = args.This(); long long val = numberLongVal( it ); stringstream ss; ss << val; string ret = ss.str(); return v8::String::New( ret.c_str() ); } v8::Handle bsonsize( const v8::Arguments& args ) { if (args.Length() != 1 || !args[ 0 ]->IsObject()) { return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "bonsisze needs 1 object" ) ); } return v8::Number::New( v8ToMongo( args[ 0 ]->ToObject() ).objsize() ); } }