// query.js if ( typeof DBQuery == "undefined" ){ DBQuery = function( mongo , db , collection , ns , query , fields , limit , skip , batchSize ){ this._mongo = mongo; // 0 this._db = db; // 1 this._collection = collection; // 2 this._ns = ns; // 3 this._query = query || {}; // 4 this._fields = fields; // 5 this._limit = limit || 0; // 6 this._skip = skip || 0; // 7 this._batchSize = batchSize || 0; this._cursor = null; this._numReturned = 0; this._special = false; this._prettyShell = false; } print( "DBQuery probably won't have array access " ); } DBQuery.prototype.help = function () { print("find() modifiers") print("\t.sort( {...} )") print("\t.limit( n )") print("\t.skip( n )") print("\t.count() - total # of objects matching query, ignores skip,limit") print("\t.size() - total # of objects cursor would return, honors skip,limit") print("\t.explain([verbose])") print("\t.hint(...)") print("\t.showDiskLoc() - adds a $diskLoc field to each returned object") print("\nCursor methods"); print("\t.forEach( func )") print("\t.print() - output to console in full pretty format") print("\t.map( func )") print("\t.hasNext()") print("\t.next()") } DBQuery.prototype.clone = function(){ var q = new DBQuery( this._mongo , this._db , this._collection , this._ns , this._query , this._fields , this._limit , this._skip , this._batchSize ); q._special = this._special; return q; } DBQuery.prototype._ensureSpecial = function(){ if ( this._special ) return; var n = { query : this._query }; this._query = n; this._special = true; } DBQuery.prototype._checkModify = function(){ if ( this._cursor ) throw "query already executed"; } DBQuery.prototype._exec = function(){ if ( ! this._cursor ){ assert.eq( 0 , this._numReturned ); this._cursor = this._mongo.find( this._ns , this._query , this._fields , this._limit , this._skip , this._batchSize ); this._cursorSeen = 0; } return this._cursor; } DBQuery.prototype.limit = function( limit ){ this._checkModify(); this._limit = limit; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.batchSize = function( batchSize ){ this._checkModify(); this._batchSize = batchSize; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.skip = function( skip ){ this._checkModify(); this._skip = skip; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.hasNext = function(){ this._exec(); if ( this._limit > 0 && this._cursorSeen >= this._limit ) return false; var o = this._cursor.hasNext(); return o; } DBQuery.prototype.next = function(){ this._exec(); var o = this._cursor.hasNext(); if ( o ) this._cursorSeen++; else throw "error hasNext: " + o; var ret = this._cursor.next(); if ( ret.$err && this._numReturned == 0 && ! this.hasNext() ) throw "error: " + tojson( ret ); this._numReturned++; return ret; } DBQuery.prototype.toArray = function(){ if ( this._arr ) return this._arr; var a = []; while ( this.hasNext() ) a.push( this.next() ); this._arr = a; return a; } DBQuery.prototype.count = function( applySkipLimit ){ var cmd = { count: this._collection.getName() }; if ( this._query ){ if ( this._special ) cmd.query = this._query.query; else cmd.query = this._query; } cmd.fields = this._fields || {}; if ( applySkipLimit ){ if ( this._limit ) cmd.limit = this._limit; if ( this._skip ) cmd.skip = this._skip; } var res = this._db.runCommand( cmd ); if( res && res.n != null ) return res.n; throw "count failed: " + tojson( res ); } DBQuery.prototype.size = function(){ return this.count( true ); } DBQuery.prototype.countReturn = function(){ var c = this.count(); if ( this._skip ) c = c - this._skip; if ( this._limit > 0 && this._limit < c ) return this._limit; return c; } /** * iterative count - only for testing */ DBQuery.prototype.itcount = function(){ var num = 0; while ( this.hasNext() ){ num++; this.next(); } return num; } DBQuery.prototype.length = function(){ return this.toArray().length; } DBQuery.prototype._addSpecial = function( name , value ){ this._ensureSpecial(); this._query[name] = value; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.sort = function( sortBy ){ return this._addSpecial( "orderby" , sortBy ); } DBQuery.prototype.hint = function( hint ){ return this._addSpecial( "$hint" , hint ); } DBQuery.prototype.min = function( min ) { return this._addSpecial( "$min" , min ); } DBQuery.prototype.max = function( max ) { return this._addSpecial( "$max" , max ); } DBQuery.prototype.showDiskLoc = function() { return this._addSpecial( "$showDiskLoc" , true); } DBQuery.prototype.forEach = function( func ){ while ( this.hasNext() ) func( this.next() ); } DBQuery.prototype.map = function( func ){ var a = []; while ( this.hasNext() ) a.push( func( this.next() ) ); return a; } DBQuery.prototype.arrayAccess = function( idx ){ return this.toArray()[idx]; } DBQuery.prototype.explain = function (verbose) { /* verbose=true --> include allPlans, oldPlan fields */ var n = this.clone(); n._ensureSpecial(); n._query.$explain = true; n._limit = n._limit * -1; var e = n.next(); if (!verbose) { delete e.allPlans; delete e.oldPlan; } return e; } DBQuery.prototype.snapshot = function(){ this._ensureSpecial(); this._query.$snapshot = true; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.pretty = function(){ this._prettyShell = true; return this; } DBQuery.prototype.shellPrint = function(){ try { var n = 0; while ( this.hasNext() && n < DBQuery.shellBatchSize ){ var s = this._prettyShell ? tojson( this.next() ) : tojson( this.next() , "" , true ); print( s ); n++; } if ( this.hasNext() ){ print( "has more" ); ___it___ = this; } else { ___it___ = null; } } catch ( e ){ print( e ); } } DBQuery.prototype.toString = function(){ return "DBQuery: " + this._ns + " -> " + tojson( this.query ); } DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 20;